Azure 应用程序服务在子域azurewebsites.net中免费包含一个 SSL 终结点。 默认情况下,HTTP 请求会重定向到 HTTPS 终结点。 对于生产部署,通常会在应用程序服务部署前使用与应用程序网关或 API 管理关联的自定义域。 将集成的身份验证机制用于应用程序服务(“EasyAuth”)。 EasyAuth 简化了将标识提供者集成到 We...
Azure OpenAI是完全受控的服務,可讓 REST API 存取 Azure OpenAI 的大型語言模型,包括 GPT-4、GPT-3.5-Turbo 和內嵌模型集。 在此架構中,除了模型存取之外,還用來新增常見的企業功能,例如虛擬網路和私人連結、受控識別支援,以及內容篩選。 Azure AI 搜尋服務是雲端搜尋服務,可支援全文搜索、語意搜尋、向量搜尋和混...
请参阅针对所有计算选择 Azure 计算服务,并为容器解决方案选择 Azure 容器服务。 例如,虽然为聊天 UI API 和提示流主机分别选择了用于容器的 Azure Web 应用 和 Web 应用,但可以使用 Azure Kubernetes 服务 (AKS) 或 Azure 容器应用实现类似的结果。 根据工作负荷的特定功能和功能要求选择工作负荷的应用程序平台。
其他雲端 API 提供與不透明作業內容類似的概念,這些內容可在發出進度、完成或失敗訊號時傳回。 如需傳奇和傳奇參與者的詳細資訊,請參閱Saga協調流程。 同步和異步處理程式 系統中的每個事件處理程式都會使用通用 EventGridHandlerBase類別來提供一般服務,例如要求通知、失敗處理,以及回應事件的發行。 事件發行集服...
Even if the Citrix deployment is small, the customer might still have a large amount of other resources that are reading/writing heavily against the Azure API, which can have a negative impact on the Citrix environment. The reverse is also true, where many Citrix resources can consume an ...
We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported. Return to main site Search MSDN Magazine Issues 2017 Overview January February Overview Azure - Serverless Architecture with Azure ...
Azure API Management Landing Zone Accelerator provides packaged guidance with reference architecture and reference implementation along with design guidance recommendations and considerations on critical design areas for provisioning APIM with a secure baseline. They are aligned with industry proven practices, ...
APPLIES TO: All API Management tiers This section provides brief descriptions and links to reference articles for all API Management policies. The API Managementgatewaysthat support each policy are indicated. For detailed policy settings and examples, see the linked reference articles. ...
Developers can use the standard MLflow tracking API to track runs and deploy models directly into Azure Machine Learning service. We also announced that managed MLflow is generally available on Azure Databricks and will use Azure Machine Learning to track the full ML lifecycle. The combination of ...
Azure Functions- The API used to communicate with Portal application. MongoDB for Azure Cosmos DB- The database used to store the data for the Portal application. Azure Database for PostgreSQL- The database used to store the data for the CMS application. ...