内容审查器的定价详细信息,该审查器是一个通过 Azure AI 服务提供的文本和图像审查 API。购买最适合你需求的计划。
转到https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/calculator/ -或- 转到Azure 网站,在导航菜单中的“定价”下选择定价计算器链接。 了解Azure 定价计算器 让我们看一下该定价计算器页面中的三个主要组成部分: 产品选取器 - 显示计算器可以估算成本的所有 Azure 服务。 在此部分中,有搜索框、Azure 服务类别和产品卡片。
在邏輯應用程式功能表的 [工作流程] 之下,選取 [連線]。在 [API 連線] 索引標籤上,選取連線的資源名稱,例如: 展開夠寬的瀏覽器,以便 [JSON 檢視] 出現在瀏覽器的右上角時,選取 [JSON 檢視]。 將connectionRuntimeUrl 屬性值複製並儲存在安全的地方,以便使用此資訊來設定防火牆。 針對每個連線,重複相關步驟。
However, your practical upper limit depends on service configuration including pricing tier, service capacity, number of scale units, policy configuration, API definitions and types, number of concurrent requests, and other factors.To request a limit increase, create a support request from the Azure ...
Administrator Email: Provide an email address that is used for notifications related to the API Management instance. Choose the pricing tier based on your use case. You can always upgrade or change the pricing tier later. Configure optional settings like monitoring and virtual network set...
本参考体系结构介绍如何使用 Azure 机器人服务框架生成企业级对话机器人(聊天机器人)。 商务聊天机器人 Azure 机器人服务和对话语言理解结合使开发人员能够创建针对各种场景的对话接口,如银行、旅游和娱乐。 使用语音助理控制 IoT 设备 使用可通过 Internet 访问的所有设备(从联网电视或冰箱到联网电厂中的设备,不一而足...
If you had to design an API for processes in an operating system, what would this API look like? It would support the following: Create - allow to create new processes Delete - allow to remove/destroy processes State - allow to check the state of the process, whether it's running, st...
If you had to design an API for processes in an operating system, what would this API look like? It would support the following: Create - allow to create new processes Delete - allow to remove/destroy processes State - allow to check the state of the process, whether it's running, st...
Azure Pricing It is one of the main reasons to learn Microsoft Azure. Because Microsoft is providing free Credits in the Azure account to access Azure services for free for a short duration. This credit is sufficient for people who are new at Microsoft Azure and want to use the services. ...