為APIM 子網路建立網路安全性群組 (NSG) 和 NSG 規則。APIM stv2 需要數個特定的 NSG 規則。 PowerShell $apimRule1=New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig-NameAPIM-Management-Description"APIM inbound"`-AccessAllow-ProtocolTcp-DirectionInbound-Priority100-SourceAddressPrefixApiManagement `-SourcePor...
ApiManagement-SourcePortRange * -DestinationAddressPrefix VirtualNetwork -DestinationPortRange 3443$apimNsg= New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName$resGroupName-Location$location-Name `"NSG-APIM"-SecurityRules$apimRule1# for Application Gateway$appGatewaySubnet= New-AzVirtualNetworkSubn...
Azure Resource Manager template (API version 2021-08-01)Enable connectivity using Azure PowerShell cmdlets (stv1 platform)Create or update an API Management instance in a VNet.Configure NSG rulesConfigure custom network rules in the API Management subnet to filter traffic to and from your API ...
网络安全组 (NSG):可以使用集成子网上的 NSG 阻止出站流量。 入站规则不适用,因为无法使用虚拟网络集成提供对应用的入站访问。 路由表 (UDR):可以在集成子网上放置路由表,以便将出站流量发送到所需的位置。 备注 如果将所有出站流量路由到虚拟网络,它会受应用于集成子网的 NSG 和 UDR 的约束。 集成虚拟网络后...
Configuration Guidance: Deploy network security groups (NSG) to your API Management subnets to restrict or monitor traffic by port, protocol, source IP address, or destination IP address. Create NSG rules to restrict your service's open ports (such as preventing management ports from being...
Batch Management Batch Service Overview Authenticate Requests to the Azure Batch service Batch status and error codes Common parameters and headers Specifying conditional headers Batch Service REST API versioning Batch API status and deprecation OData filters in the Batch service Reference Data Plane Overvie...
Batch Management Batch Service Overview Authenticate Requests to the Azure Batch service Batch status and error codes Common parameters and headers Specifying conditional headers Batch Service REST API versioning Batch API status and deprecation OData filters in the Batch service Reference Data Plane Overvie...
For limits on resource names, see Naming rules and restrictions for Azure resources.For information about Resource Manager API read and write limits, see Throttling Resource Manager requests.Management group limitsThe following limits apply to management groups....
Spring Boot 是一个功能强大的框架,可以轻松创建 RESTful API。在本文中,我们将逐步指导如何使用 MySQL...
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