成本優化訓練 利用Microsoft Azure 結構完善的架構 - 成本優化這場51 分鐘的免費 Microsoft Learn 課程模組,了解如何節省 Azure 費用。您將習得以下方法: 使用監視和分析功能,深入了解成本並取得相關見解。 將您的雲端環境效率發揮到極致。 佈建已進行成本優化的資源。 開始學習 ...
通过时长 51 分钟的免费 Microsoft Learn 模块(“Microsoft Azure 架构完善的框架 - 成本优化”),了解如何在 Azure 上节省成本。你将学习如何: 使用监视和分析获得可见性和成本见解。 最大程度地提高云环境的效率。 预配经过成本优化的资源。 开始学习
通过在非高峰期从高级层级切换到标准层级,并在高峰期切换回高级层,这样可以降低与此类工作负载相关的成本。 可以使用Set-AzApiManagementcmdlet 将此过程作为作业自动化。 有关不同 API 管理层级中可用功能的信息,请参阅API 管理定价。 后续步骤 API 管理和卓越运营 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否...
One of the things that Cost Management and Advisor may recommend is right-sizing or shutting down VMs. Changing VM size is easy on Azure, and if you have VMs that typically sit idle, this is a great way you can reduce your costs. Shutting down unused systems is important as well, as ...
Learn about Cost Optimization in Azure SQL Managed Instance in the article that describes different types of benefits, discounts, management capabilities, product features & techniques, such as Start/Stop, AHB, Data Virtualization, Reserved Instances (RI
Photon是一种高性能 Databricks 原生矢量化查询引擎,可加快 SQL 工作负载和 DataFrame API 调用(用于数据引入、ETL、流式处理、数据科学和交互式查询)。 Photon 与 Apache Spark API 兼容,因此只需启用就能使用 - 无需更改代码,也没有锁定。 观察到的加速可以显著节省成本,应该评估定期运行的作业,看看使用 Photon ...
Before you use this article, you should see Azure Monitor cost and usage to understand the different ways that Azure Monitor charges and how to view your monthly bill.This article describes Cost optimization for Azure Monitor as part of the Azure Well-Architected Framework. The Azure Well-...
Capacity management offers a boost By managing capacity and sizing our SAP systems on Microsoft Azure, we’ve experienced improvements in several areas: We have a lower total cost of ownership—we only pay for what we need, when we need it. We save on costs of unused hardware and ongoing ...
Carbon optimization CDN Chaos Studio Cognitive Services Communication Compute Compute Schedule Confluent Consumption Container Instances Container Registry Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cosmos DB Resource Provider Cost Management Custom Providers Data Box Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway Data Catalog Data ...
Carbon optimization CDN Chaos Studio Cognitive Services Communication Compute Compute Schedule Confluent Consumption Container Instances Container Registry Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cosmos DB Resource Provider Cost Management Custom Providers Data Box Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway ...