在目前的序列主控台作業中,Web 套接字會開啟至端點,例如 <region>.gateway.serialconsole.azure.com。 請確定組織中瀏覽器用戶端允許端點 serialconsole.azure.com。 在美國政府 (Fairfax) 雲端中,端點後綴為 serialconsole.azure.us。 如需如何將IP新增至記憶體帳戶防火牆的詳細資訊,請參閱設定Azure 儲存體 防火牆...
在当前的串行控制台操作中,Web 套接字将打开到终结点,例如<region>.gateway.serialconsole.azure.com。 确保允许组织中的浏览器客户端使用终结点serialconsole.azure.com。 在美国政府(Fairfax)云中,终结点后缀为serialconsole.azure.us。 有关如何将 IP 添加到存储帐户防火墙的详细信息,请参阅配置Azure 存储防火墙和...
Service: Serial Console API Version: 2018-05-01 为订阅启用串行控制台 为所提供的订阅中的所有 VM 和 VM 规模集启用串行控制台服务 HTTP 复制 试用 POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.SerialConsole/consoleServices/{default}/enableConsole?api-version=2018...
AzureActivity | where TimeGenerated >= ago(7d) | where OperationNameValue =~ "MICROSOFT.SERIALCONSOLE/SERIALPORTS/CONNECT/ACTION" | where ActivityStatusValue != "Success" Risky Signin with subsequent serial console action: The following query identifies risky users accessing Azure Serial Console. ...
Serial Console Service Bus Service Connector Service Fabric Service Map SignalR Service Split Experimentation SQL Database SQL VM Standby Pools Storage Actions Storage Mover Storage Resource Provider Storage Services Storagecache Stream Analytics Subscription Support Synapse Time Series Insights Terraform Traffic...
Serial Console Service Bus Service Connector Service Fabric Service Map SignalR Service Split Experimentation SQL Database SQL VM Standby Pools Storage Actions Storage Mover Storage Resource Provider Storage Services Storagecache Stream Analytics Subscription Support Synapse Time Series Insights Terraform Traffic...
这些是你在 PowerShell 中使用 cmdlet(如 Get-StorageSubSystem、Get-StorageNode 和 Get-Volume)得到的相同对象。 你可以访问记录在存储管理 API 类中的所有相同属性。 复制 using System.Diagnostics; foreach (CimInstance Node in Nodes) { // For illustration, write each node's Name to the console. You...
You can also easily configure this on your own Windows VMs and images, outlined in our Serial Console documentation. From the SAC, you can easily get to a command shell and interact with the system via the serial console as shown here: Serial Console access requires you to have VM ...
serialconsole servermanager servicebus servicefabric servicefabricmanagedclusters servicelinker servicenetworking signalr sphere springappdiscovery sql standbypool storage storageactions storagemover storagepool streamanalytics subscription support synapse tables template terraform testbase textanalytics timeseriesinsights...
Compute Virtual Machine Serial Console New Compute Virtual Machine Start New Compute Virtual Machine Stop New Compute Virtual Machine Updates New Management Audit logs New Management Azure Arc Azure Stack HCI New Management Azure Arc Resource Bridge New Management Azure Arc SQL Managed Instance New Manag...