向量字段所需的 「vectorSearchConfiguration」 屬性。 選取此欄位的演算法組態。 2021-04-30-Preview 新增: “semanticConfiguration” 用於將語意排名範圍設定為特定字段。 「identity」,在 “encryptionKey”下,用來使用使用者指派的受控識別從 Azure Key Vault 擷取客戶管理的加密密鑰。 2020-06-30-Preview 新增:...
“queryType”和“semanticConfiguration”是必需的。 “captions”和“answers”是可选的。 从结果的逐字文本中提取值。 仅当结果包含的内容具有查询答案的特征时,才会返回答案。 使用筛选器的语义混合搜索 下面是集合中的最后一个查询。 它是与上一示例相同的语义混合查询,但带有筛选器。
“semanticConfiguration” 支持将语义排名范围限定为特定字段。 “captions” 返回从语义排名最高的文档中的关键段落中提取的短语。 2020-06-30-Preview 添加: “queryType=semantic” 支持语义重新命名和响应。 语义查询中的“searchFields” 建立了用于表述标题和答案的字段的优先级顺序。 此方法在 2021-04-30-Previ...
如果您指定向量查詢,則「search」 文字必須符合 "text" 對象的屬性 "vectorQueries"。 您的搜尋字串可以支援簡單語法或完整Lucene 語法。 我們會將 「semanticConfiguration」 設定為 內嵌在索引中的預先定義語意組態。 我們將 「queryType」 設定為 「semantic」。。 我們需要將 「queryType」 設定為 「semantic」...
have a name, data types, and attributes that determine usage. For example,searchablefields are used in full text search, and thus tokenized during indexing. An index also defines other constructs, such as scoring profiles for relevance tuning, suggesters, semantic configurations, and custom ...
Hybrid + Semantic ranker \n\n 60.1 \n\n 50.0 \n 72.0 \n Table 1: Retrieval comparison using Azure AI Search in various retrieval modes on customer and academic benchmarks. See§6.1 How we generated the numbers in this postand§6.2 Search and Dataset configuration for ...
Azure AI Search: Basic tier, 1 replica, free level of semantic search. Pricing per hour.Pricing Azure Blob Storage: Standard tier with ZRS (Zone-redundant storage). Pricing per storage and read operations.Pricing Azure Cosmos DB: Only provisioned if you enabledchat history with Cosmos DB. Ser...
This limit refers to the number of distinct roles, that is, configuration. This limit doesn't refer to the number of instances per role, that is, scaling.Azure AI Search limitsPricing tiers determine the capacity and limits of your search service. These tiers include:...
The first four episodes of Leading the Shift cover a lot of ground, from how data and AI are being used for social impact, to the use of AI to create a fan remix experience for a world-famous band, to the opportunity to use data, AI, and cloud technologies to map the customer ...
using Microsoft.Extensions.AI; using Microsoft.Extensions.VectorData; using Azure; using Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes; using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.AzureAISearch; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Azure.Identity; using Azure.Core; // get the search index client using Azure Def...