建议是通过调用 generateRecommendations 生成或计算的。 HTTP 复制 试用 GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations?api-version=2023-01-01 具有可选参数: HTTP 复制 GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/...
View Azure Advisor recommendations for your Azure Data Explorer cluster In the Azure portal, go to your Azure Data Explorer cluster page. In the left-hand menu, underMonitoring, selectAdvisor recommendations. A list of recommendations opens for that cluster. ...
Azure Advisor 中的營運卓越建議可協助您處理:流程和工作流程效率 資源管理能力 部署最佳做法您可以在 [Advisor] 儀表板的 [營運卓越] 索引標籤獲得這些建議。登入Azure 入口網站。 搜尋並選取任何頁面中的 Advisor。 在建議程式儀表板上,選取 [營運卓越] 索引標籤。AI...
Azure Advisor 協助您確保及改善商務關鍵性應用程式的持續性。 您可以在 Advisor 儀錶板的 [可靠性] 索引卷標上取得可靠性建議。 登入Azure 入口網站。 從任何頁面搜尋並選取Advisor。 在Advisor儀錶板上,選取[可靠性] 索引標籤。 AI 服務 您即將超過 2GB 的記憶體配額。 建立標準搜尋服務 ...
Azure Advisor is a free service that analyzes your Azure usage and provides recommendations on how you can optimize your Azure resources to reduce costs, boost performance, strengthen security, and improve reliability.
In addition to consolidating your Azure recommendations into a single place, Azure Advisor has a configuration feature that can help you focus exclusively on your most important resources, such as those in production, and save you remediation time. You can also configure thresholds for certain re...
Advisor recommendations For some services, if critical conditions or imminent changes occur during resource operations, an alert displays on the serviceOverviewpage in the portal. You can find more information and recommended fixes for the alert inAdvisor recommendationsunderMonitoringin the left menu. ...
Intelligent Recommendations Internet Analyzer IoT Operations IoT Central IoT Hub IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service Key Vault Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Load balancer Log Analytics Logic Apps Logz Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafana Managed Identity ...
How it works Let's take a look at an example of how Azure savings plan for compute works. In the Cost Management + Billing section of the Azure Portal and in Azure Advisor customers receive recommendations based on their historical compute usage. Using these recommendations,...
I am aware of our recommendations as SAP, but in this scenario all the documentation I have found so far is with IAS and just by curiosity I was wondering if someone can confirm 100% that OIDC can work with any OIDC provider straight, personally I have not tested it, so that is wh...