open services and keep bashing refresh. If you see the "Azure Advanced Threat Protection Sensor Updater" starting and then stopping repeatedly then it's probably this.
I made Azure Advanced Threat Protection Sensor Service logon with option of"This Account " now i want to restore it to option of logon as option of "Local System account " Can you pls your help
MicrosoftHealthcareApisAuditLogs MicrosoftPurviewInformationProtection NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs NCBMSecurityLogs NCBMSystemLogs NCCKubernetesLogs NCCPlatformOperationsLogs NCCVMOrchestrationLogs NCMClusterOperationsLogs NCSStorageAlerts NCSStorageAudits NCSStorageLogs NGXOperationLogs NGXSecurityLo...
Actually, the solution in our case was to use Silent Installation ( and provide the Proxy Information in the commandline. Thank you all for helping and advis...
Succeeded ingestion operations logs provide information about successfully completed ingest operations. Logs include data source details that together withFailed ingestion operationslogs can be used for tracking the process of ingestion of each data source. Ingestion logs are supported for queued ingestion ...
存储使用 Azure 诊断模式的 Azure 服务的资源日志。 资源日志描述 Azure 资源的内部操作。 每个Azure 服务的资源日志具有一组唯一的列。 AzureDiagnostics 表包含 Azure 服务最常用的列。 如果资源日志包含一列,但该列在 AzureDiagnostics 表中尚不存在,则会在第一次收集数据时添加该列。 如果达到 500 列的最大数...
AgriFoodSensorManagementLogs AgriFoodWeatherLogs AirflowDagProcessingLogs Alert AlertEvidence AlertHistory AlertInfo AmlComputeClusterEvent AmlComputeClusterNodeEvent AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization AmlComputeInstanceEvent AmlComputeJobEvent AmlDataLabelEvent
(GRS). Azure Advanced Threat Protection also replicates customer configuration data to another region, which allows for quick recovery in the case of a disaster. “We do this primarily to safeguard the sensor configuration data—preventing the need for an IT admin to reconfigure hundreds of ...
AgriFoodSensorManagementLogs AgriFoodWeatherLogs AirflowDagProcessingLogs Alert AlertEvidence AlertHistory AlertInfo AmlComputeClusterEvent AmlComputeClusterNodeEvent AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization AmlComputeInstanceEvent AmlComputeJobEvent AmlDataLabelEvent AmlDataSetEvent AmlDataStoreEvent AmlDeploymentEvent AmlEnvironmen...
(GRS). Azure Advanced Threat Protection also replicates customer configuration data to another region, which allows for quick recovery in the case of a disaster. “We do this primarily to safeguard the sensor configuration data—preventing the need for an IT admin to reconfigure hundreds of ...