资源提供程序定义你可以部署到你的帐户的 Azure 资源。 资源类型的名称采用以下格式:{resource-provider}/{resource-type}。 Key Vault 的资源类型为 Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults。在本文中,学习如何:查看Azure 中的所有资源提供程序 检查资源提供程序的注册状态 注册资源提供程序 查看资源提供程序的资源类型 查看资源类型...
} }, "customResourceProviderName": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "[uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)]", "metadata": { "description": "Name of the custom resource provider to be created." } }, "customResourceProviderId": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "", "metadata":...
An Azure resource provider is a set of REST operations that enable functionality for a specific Azure service. For example, the Key Vault service consists of a resource provider named Microsoft.KeyVault. The resource provider defines REST operations for managing vaults, secrets, keys, and certificat...
Service Principal创建好之后,按照官网参考文档,在provider.tf文件里,就可以配置provider azurerm的相关信息了,整个项目文件结构如下: PS C:\lab\dev>tree ───dev │───main.tf │───provider.tf provider.tf文件内容格式如下: provider "azurerm" { # Whilst version is optional, we /strongly recomm...
Exports a template from a past resource group deployment. Invoke resource operation Invokes an operation on an Azure resource. Invoke resource operation in provider Invokes an operation on an Azure resource. List resource groups Lists all the resource groups within the subscription. The results are...
You could use api GetProperties from storage resource provider API.Storage Accounts - Get Properties - REST API (Azure Storage Resource Provider) | Microsoft Docs You could use Azure Portal- Goto your storage account. On left goto ‘Access Keys’ blade, you will see the ...
$AzureSQLLocations = (Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ListAvailable | ` Where-Object {$_.ProviderNamespace -eq 'Microsoft.SQL'}).Locations # Show the results $AzureSQLLocations Output from PowerShell script listing data centers with Azure SQL database service. ...
Click the Register link to register the resource provider of the type you are trying to deploy from the list of resource providers. Create an Azure IoT Hub. If you have a preexisting Azure IoT Hub, you can use it and set up the rest of the steps. Add Device to IoT Hub, make a...
For the B2C application, create policies named 'B2C_1_signin', 'B2C_1_signup'. For each policy, select 'Local Account' as the identity provider, and select the following: 'B2C_1_signup': Sign-up attributes: 'Display Name', 'Email Address', 'Given Name', 'Surname' ...
WebAuthenticationLoginUsingYourProviderLog in using your {0} account WebAuthenticationUserLimitNoticeThis service has reached the maximum number of allowed users. Pleasecontact the administratorto upgrade their service and re-enable user registration. WebAuthenticationUserLimitNoticeHeaderUser...