azure.tenant Azure Stack Hub 租户ID 的值。 azure.customCloud.resourceManagerEndpointUrl 这是Azure Stack Hub 的 Azure 资源管理器的根 URL。 validateAuthority 如果使用 Microsoft Entra ID 作为标识管理器,则可以省略此参数。 如果使用 AD FS,请添加此参数并将值设为 false。 JSON 代码片段: JSON 复制 "...
identities for Azure resources access token is$access_token"# Use the access token to get resource information for the VM$vmInfoRest= (Invoke-WebRequest-Uri'<SUBSCRIPTION-ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE-GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<VM-...
使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId tenantID−DefaultProfilecxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则出现了异常:详细的异常信息为 完成的错误信息为: "Error getting value from 'Tags' on 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Profile.Models.PSAzu...
Your subscription has expired. Your user account isn't enabled. You're locked out from your user account. You tried to sign in with the wrong user name and password. The password you tried to sign in with is temporary and expired. (It might happen if your user account is new or your...
Schvalovatel Azure Customer Lockbox pro předplatné Může schválit žádosti o podporu Microsoftu pro přístup ke konkrétním prostředkům obsaženým v rámci předplatného nebo samotného předplatného, pokud je customer Lockbox pro Microsoft Azure povolený v tenantovi...
To reset your password, seeReset my Microsoft 365 tenant admin password. You can't sign in to Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, or Microsoft Intune. You might be trying to sign in by using a portal such as Or, you might be trying to sign in by using ...
使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId cxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 No alt text provided for this image 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则出现了异常: No alt text provided for this image 完成的错误信息为: "Error getting value from 'Tags' on 'Microso...
Deploy Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to subscription and management group level Previously, we supported deployments only to the Resource Group level. With this update we have added support to deploy ARM templates to both the subscription and management group levels. This will help you when deploying...
You can use the same subscription you used for your StorSimple deployment, or you can use a different one. The only limitation is that your subscription must be in the same Microsoft Entra tenant as the StorSimple subscription. Consider moving the StorSimple subscription to the appropriate ...
In this short video Tanya Janca will describe recent changes to Azure Security Center Subscription coverage; it now covers storage containers and app service. PowerShell Basics: Finding the right VM size with Get-AzVMSize Finding the right virtual machine for your needs can be difficult especially...