只能使用「字串」類型或「二進位」類型單一值屬性來擴充 User、Group、TenantDetail、Device、Application 和 ServicePrincipal 實體。 應用程式 最多可以有 100 個使用者和服務主體成為單一應用程式的擁有者。 使用者、群組或服務主體最多可以有 1,500 個應用程式角色指派。 此限制適用於所有應用程式角色的服務主體、使...
curl -X POST'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<aad-tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token'\ -d'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<azure-client-id>&client_secret=<azure-client-secret>&scope=https://vault.azure.net/.default' 嘗試取得已在 Azure 金鑰保存庫中建立的秘密: ...
Tenant string The tenant ID of for the Azure Active Directory application Service principal authentication Auth ID: oauthServicePrincipal Applicable: All regions except Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and MOONCAKE and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-Hi...
<validate-azure-ad-token tenant-id="tenant ID or URL (for example, "https://contoso.onmicrosoft.com") of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant" header-name="name of HTTP header containing the token (alternatively, use query-parameter-name or token-value attribute to specify token)" query-parameter...
Previously V1.0 release it was enough for local UPN to match Azure AD, without specifically requiring AD Connect Sync between RDS domain and AAD tenant. I am managing a handful of AAD only (Cloud-first) deployments and exploring configuration options from there on....
In order for Jenkins to be able to lookup data from Microsoft Entra ID it needs some Graph API permissions. This is used for: Autocompleting users and groups on the 'Security' page Jenkins looking up the user, e.g. when you use the Rest API Group display name support (rather than just...
Authorization URL: https://login.windows.net/{Azure AD Tenant}/oauth2/authorize?resource={App ID URI} Domain List: Leave default Scope: leave default Authorization Grant Type: Auth Code Grant Client Secret: This is the key associated with your Azure AD application reg...
This will provide tenant administrators with a historical view of all the settings in the tenant including the change history over the years. Important The AzureADExporter module in the PowerShell Gallery is now deprecated. Please install the newEntraExportermodule. ...
Copy jims@tupperware:~$ az ad sp create-for-rbac { "appId": "ad349d5e-2b0e-49ce-beaa-407c68196774", "name": "http://azure-cli-2016-12-23-16-35-16", "password": "b77abcf0-2f83-4e83-bc1a-c2c7dac8d9be", "tenant": "123488bf-86f1-41af-92cb-2d7cd011db47" }...