It is not possible to configure token lifetime using Azure AD portal. However, you can request refresh token along with access token or IdToken by passing offline_access in scope parameter to get the refresh token which is used to obtain new access/refresh token pairs when the current...
New-AzureADPolicy : Error occurred while executing NewPolicy Code: Request_BadRequest Message: Configure Token Lifetime for RT/ST (Refresh/Session Token) has been retired on May 30, 2020. New policy cannot be created anymore. Refer
// Extend the `refreshAadToken` functionconstrefreshAadToken =asyncfunction(abortSignal, username){// ... existing refresh logic// Make sure the token has at least 10-minute lifetime and if not, force-renew itif(tokenResponse.expiresOn < ( + (10*60*1000))) {constrenewRequest...
POST /YOUR_Azure AD_TENANT/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 Host: https://login.microsoftonline.comContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedgrant_type=authorization_code &client_id=<app client id> &code=<auth code fom GET request> &redirect_uri=<app-client-id> &resource=https://api.loganalyti...
Represents an Azure AD policy. Policies are custom rules that can be enforced on applications, service principals, groups, or the entire organization they are assigned to. Currently only two types of policy are available:Token Lifetime Policy - Specifies the lifetime duration of tokens issued ...
Update September 11, 2023: This post is irrelevant anymore As part of ongoing security improvement efforts in Azure Active Directory (AAD), part of Microsoft Entra, Azure AD B2C will be rolling...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (36 Replies)Show Parent Replies mless340 ...
Update September 11, 2023: This post is irrelevant anymore As part of ongoing security improvement efforts in Azure Active Directory (AAD), part of...
Spark in Azure Data Lake private preview refresh and bug fix. Fixed some bugs. 3.8.0 Supported to run Spark jobs in Azure Data Lake cluster (in private preview). Fixed some bugs. 3.7.0 Users do not need to login again in interactive login mode, if Azure refresh token is still validated...
ADAL makes it easy to retrieve a token from Azure AD by using the application’s client credential and then use that token to make requests to the web API. ADAL also handles managing the lifetime of the access token by caching it and renewing it as necessary. For a code sample that ...
ADAL makes it easy to retrieve a token from Azure AD by using the application’s client credential and then use that token to make requests to the web API. ADAL also handles managing the lifetime of the access token by caching it and renewing it as necessary. For a code sample that ...