AADProvisioningLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) | where ResultType == "Success" | parse SourceIdentity with * "\"identityType\":\"" Type "\"" * | extend Type = tolower(Type) | summarize count() by Type, Action | order by Type, Action 布...
AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs AADProvisioningLogs AADRiskyServicePrincipals AADRiskyUsers AADServicePrincipalRiskEvents AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs AADUserRiskEvents ABSBotRequests ACICollaborationAudit ACRConnectedClientList ACSAuthIncomingOperations ACSBillingUsage ...
SigninLogs | project UserDisplayName, Identity,UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, AppId, ResourceDisplayName 用户访问的资源 列出特定用户访问的资源。 query // Set v_Users_UPN with the UPN of the user of interest let v_Users_UPN = "osotnoc@contoso.com"; SigninLogs | where UserPrincipalName...
Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates 'helloImageTemplateforSIG01' failed with message '{ "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure", "message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.", "details": [ { "code": "InternalOperat...
Azure Sync automates user management for your Adobe Admin Console directory. Azure Sync enables you to manage all users from Microsoft Azure Portal directly. You can add Azure Sync to any IdP directory.
SolarWinds®Access Rights Manager (ARM) 是一款轻量级的 Active Directory (AD) 和 Azure AD 用户配置工具,可简化用户账户设立过程,并快速响应帐户终止请求。ARM 旨在利用特定角色模板来标准化用户凭据,从而帮助 IT 团队大规模安全管理帐户。此外,我们的自助权限门户将用户访问权限管理委派给数据所有者,使得操作更加...
This reference code was developed as a .Net core MVC web API for SCIM provisioning. The three main folders are Schemas, Controllers, and Protocol. TheSchemasfolder includes: The models for the User and Group resources along with some abstract classes like Schematized for shared functionality. ...
IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service Key Vault Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Load balancer Log Analytics Logic Apps Logz Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafana Managed Identity Managed Services Management Groups Maps Maps Creator Maps Management MariaDB Mark...
Windows Hello for Business post-logon provisioning is enabled: Yes Local computer meets Windows hello for business hardware requirements: Yes User is not connected to the machine via Remote Desktop: Yes User certificate for on premise auth policy is enabled: No ...
ProvisioningErrors : {ProxyAddresses} ProxyAddresses : {smtp:lbudai@contoso.com, smtp:lbudai@contoso.mail.onmicrosoft.com} UserPrincipalName :lbudai@contoso.com For more information see: You see validation errors for users in the Office 365 portal or in th...