对于API 返回代码,除了成功或失败外,添加了针对 AADJoinedHealthcheck 的错误处理。 改进了业务流程期间连接失败和侦听器上的活动连接重置时出现的错误消息。 更新了对 RDAgent 与 RDBroker 通信之间出现的 403 错误的处理。 一般改进和 bug 修复。
API 约定、版本控制和重大更改 支持的版本 beta 版 版本1.6 显示另外 4 个 本主题概述 Azure Active Directory (AD) Graph API 实体和操作之间的版本差异。 你必须通过在请求中包含api-version查询字符串参数来指定想要使用的操作版本。 不含api-version参数的请求将被拒绝并返回(400) 错误请求响应。 如果你的服务...
watch-d-n5az network vnet-gatewaylist \--resource-group[sandbox resource groupname]\--outputtable 在每个 VPN 网关的“ProvisioningState”显示为“Succeeded”之后,便可以继续操作。 创建网关后,按Ctrl+C暂停该命令。 输出复制 ActiveActive EnableBgp Enable...
provisioningErrors Collection(ProvisioningError) GET, PATCH A collection of error details that are preventing this contact from being provisioned successfully. Note: not nullable proxyAddresses Collection(Edm.String) GET ($filter) Note: unique, not nullable, the any operator is required for filter exp...
3,078 questions with Azure Machine Learning tags Sort by:Updated UpdatedCreatedAnswers 0 answers Unable to access the dag.yaml file with original storage location I am trying to access the prompt flow created in Azure AI foundry project, provisioning all the necessary permissions as per the docume...
Howdy folks, Today, I’m very excited to announce the public preview of automated inbound user provisioning from SAP SuccessFactors to Azure AD and
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name zabbix --role reader --scope /subscriptions/<subscription_id> See Azure documentation for more details. Link the template to a host. Configure the macros: {$AZURE.APP.ID}, {$AZURE.PASSWORD}, {$AZURE.TENANT.ID}, {$AZURE.SUBSCRIPTION.ID}, and {$AZURE....
<guidisPermaLink="false">https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azurecat/?p=5385</guid> <description> <![CDATA[ The AzureCAT blog is moving to a new home on Microsoft Tech Community!... ]]> </description> <content:encoded> <![CDATA[ The AzureCAT blog is moving to a new home on Microso...
Learn more. provisioningservices Yes Yes NoMicrosoft.DevOpsExpand table Resource typeResource groupSubscriptionRegion move pipelines Yes Yes No controllers pending pending NoMicrosoft.DevSpacesExpand table Resource typeResource groupSubscriptionRegion move controllers Yes Yes No AKS cluster pending pending ...
L'API di provisioning ha un limite di frequenza di 100 richieste al minuto, applicate in tutte le risorse. Una richiesta batch per aggiornare più risorse viene conteggiato come una richiesta.Limiti delle app contenitore di AzureVedere Quote nelle app contenitore di Azure per i lim...