· Azure AD features for guest users etc Premium P1 License:提供了所有免费功能和一些高级管理功能,比如动态组或者Self-Service Group管理,Microsoft Identities Manager,云回写功能,比如本地用户的自助密码重置等等 Premium P2 license:提供了Azure AD Free和Premium P1所有的功能,同时还包含了Identities Protection和...
A connector for Azure AD Identity and Access. This connector will contain multiple actions to manage Azure AD Identity and Access. An example of this is for instance inviting guest users. In the future, more actions will be added.This connector is available in the following products and ...
重要 Azure AD Graph API 功能也可通过 Microsoft Graph 使用。Microsoft Graph 是一个统一的 API,它还包括其他 Microsoft 服务(如 Outlook、OneDrive、OneNote、Planner 和 Office Graph)的 API,这些都可以使用单个访问令牌通过单个终结点进行访问。实体参考
AzureADApplication 是 是 AzureADApplicationPrototype 是 是 registeredSubscriptions 否 否 Microsoft.GuestConfiguration 展开表 资源类型支持标记在成本报表中标记 guestConfigurationAssignments 否 否 Microsoft.HanaOnAzure 展开表 资源类型支持标记在成本报表中标记 hanainstances 是 是 sapMonitors 是 是 Microsoft.Ha...
AzureADApplication 是 是 AzureADApplicationPrototype 是 是 registeredSubscriptions 否 否 Microsoft.GuestConfiguration 展开表 资源类型支持标记在成本报表中标记 guestConfigurationAssignments 否 否 Microsoft.HanaOnAzure 展开表 资源类型支持标记在成本报表中标记 hanainstances 是 是 sapMonitors 是 是 Microsoft.Ha...
注: このタグは、AzureActiveDirectory、AzureKeyVault、EventHub、GuestAndHybridManagement、Storageの各タグに依存します。送信いいえはい AzureSphereこのタグ、またはこのタグによってカバーされる IP アドレスを使用すると、Azure Sphere Security Services へのアクセスを制限することができます。両方...
Also try Get-AzureADUser to make sure you can retrieve users, as you'll need a user ID later on. Code Sample Prerequisite #2: Azure AD access reviews This example assumes you have already onboarded Azure AD access reviews in your tenant directory. If you have alre...
Today, we’re excited to announce that Power BI is making it easier for Azure AD B2B Guest users to collaborate with colleagues across organizational boundaries. Rolling out to production this week is a new capability that allows external Guest users to edit and manage content in workspaces, get...
Today, we’re excited to announce that Power BI is making it easier for Azure AD B2B Guest users to collaborate with colleagues across organizational boundaries. Rolling out to production this week is a new capability that allows external Guest users to edit and manage content in workspaces, get...
Azure Maps supports access to all principal types for Azure RBAC including; individual Azure AD users, groups, applications, Azure resources, and Azure Managed identities. Additionally, Azure Maps documentation now includes expanded implementation examples and estimates on implementation effort to assist ...