1. 输入命令:Install-Module AzureAD,安装和部署AzureAD所需要的module,如下所示: 2. 输入命令连接Azure AD:Connect-AzureAD 3. 获取所有已存在的AzureADGroups:get-azureadgroup 4. 通过命令新建Azure AD Group:New-AzureADGroup -Description "DemoNancy" -DisplayName "DemoNancy" -MailEnabled $false -Securi...
我使用以下脚本从管道连接到Azure AD,并使用PowerShell创建Azure AD应用程序 Install-Module AzureAD -Force -Verbose -Scope CurrentUser $context = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext $graphToken = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common....
若要更新计算机上的 Azure AD PowerShell 模块版本,请重新运行Install-Modulecmdlet: PowerShell Install-ModuleAzureADPreview 此命令检查 PowerShell 库,以查看是否有较新的版本可用。 如果是,则比计算机上安装的更新。 连接到 Azure AD 运行本文中所述的任何 cmdlet 之前,必须先连接到在线服务。 为此,请在 Windows...
PowerShell Copy [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-Module PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion 2.2.3 -Force Close your PowerShell session, then open a new PowerShell session so that the update can take effect. Run the following commands to install ...
Azure AD v2.0 Powershell Module: "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.Resources" Azure AD, recovery of deleted devices Azure AD. IDP initiated single logout Azure ADFS Setup - Error ""We cannot federate an azure AD domain while signed in to azure AD a...
I am running PSVersion 5.1.16299.431 and have set my proxy using NetSH WinHTTP Set Proxy proxy-server="my.proxy.server" I would like to "Install the preview version of the Azure Active Directory ... Are you able to make a connection through Powershell with Msol service. ...
Install-Module AzureAD or Install-Module AzureADPreview Reply Reinier SPRUIJT Brass Contributor to MaluksJun 12, 2018 Maluks, thank you for the suggestion. When I run Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet -ListAvailable | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,Path it results in the follo...
Azure AD Toolkit The Azure AD Toolkit is a PowerShell module that providers helper cmdlets to manage the credentials of your application or service principal. Installing the module Install-ModuleAzureADToolkit Using the module Connecting to your tenant ...
Method 1: Install Azure Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell when you log on as local admin Log on as a local admin. (Just logging on as a domain admin may not work.) InstallAzure Active Directory module for PowerShell.
Install the following modules from the PowerShell Gallery which are used to execute the logic in this module where you intend to run the module functions Microsoft.Graph.Authentication Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns Install-moduleMicrosoft.Graph.Authentication,Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns ...