1. 输入命令:Install-Module AzureAD,安装和部署AzureAD所需要的module,如下所示: 2. 输入命令连接Azure AD:Connect-AzureAD 3. 获取所有已存在的AzureADGroups:get-azureadgroup 4. 通过命令新建Azure AD Group:New-AzureADGroup -Description "DemoNancy" -DisplayName "DemoNancy" -MailEnabled $false -Securi...
· 新域名需要添加到AD中。 AzureAD命令为单个用户更换UserPrincipalName,具体操作步骤如下所示: 1. 安装AzureAD,命令如下:Install-Module AzureAD 2. 连接AzureAD,命令如下:Connect-AzureAD 3. 如果为单个用户更改UserPrincipalName,命令如下所示: Set-AzureADUser -ObjectID ...
我对服务原则拥有的API权限是: 我使用以下脚本从管道连接到Azure AD,并使用PowerShell创建Azure AD应用程序 Install-Module AzureAD -Force -Verbose -Scope CurrentUser $context = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext $graphToken = [...
PowerShell Install-ModuleAzureADPreview 此命令检查 PowerShell 库,以查看是否有较新的版本可用。 如果是,则比计算机上安装的更新。 连接到 Azure AD 运行本文中所述的任何 cmdlet 之前,必须先连接到在线服务。 为此,请在 Windows PowerShell 命令提示符下运行 cmdletConnect-AzureAD。 然后,系统会提示你输入凭据。
如果需要,请按照说明安装MS Graph PowerShell 模块并连接到 Microsoft Entra ID。 确保使用 Connect-MgGraph cmdlet 登录到 Microsoft Entra 租户。 需要全局管理员来管理此功能。 此功能需要 Azure 订阅的参与者特权。 重要 尽管Az.ADDomainServices PowerShell 模块为预览版,但必须使用 Install-Module cmdlet 单独安装...
PowerShell Copy [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-Module PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion 2.2.3 -Force Close your PowerShell session, then open a new PowerShell session so that the update can take effect. Run the following commands to install ...
Import-Module AzureAD-UseWindowsPowerShell Below is thedetailed stepone can use in order to install AzureAD andAzureADPreviewmodule in Azure Function App. Step 1: In requirements.psd1, input the two modules with their versions, wildcard is recommend to get the latest version...
Method 1: Install Azure Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell when you log on as local admin Log on as a local admin. (Just logging on as a domain admin may not work.) InstallAzure Active Directory module for PowerShell.
Install-Module AzureAD or Install-Module AzureADPreview Reply Reinier SPRUIJT Brass Contributor to MaluksJun 12, 2018 Maluks, thank you for the suggestion. When I run Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet -ListAvailable | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,Path it results in the follo...
Azure AD Toolkit The Azure AD Toolkit is a PowerShell module that providers helper cmdlets to manage the credentials of your application or service principal. Installing the module Install-ModuleAzureADToolkit Using the module Connecting to your tenant ...