Windows LAPS本地管理员密码已支持微软Intune和Azure AD IT之家 5 月 10 日消息,微软此前通过“星期二补丁”宣布了 Windows LAPS(Local Administrator Password Solution,本地管理员密码解决方案)功能的可用性,该功能在 Windows 10、Windows 11 和服务器上可用。 不过也存在一些问题,微软确认了与旧版 LAPS 的互操...
Windows LAPS本地管理员密码已支持微软Intune和Azure AD IT之家 5 月 10 日消息,微软此前通过“星期二补丁”宣布了 Windows LAPS(Local Administrator Password Solution,本地管理员密码解决方案)功能的可用性,该功能在 Windows 10、Windows 11 和服务器上可用。 不过也存在一些问题,微软确认了与旧版 LAPS 的互操...
In the Azure AD Devices | Overview page, select Local admin password recovery option. This will enumerate all devices that are enabled with LAPS and then click Show local administrator password next to the device name to recover the password. You will also have the op...
AzureADAdministratorInner object. abstract String login() Gets the login property: Login name of the server administrator. abstract String name() Gets the name property: The name of the resource. abstract AzureADAdministrator refresh() Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure. abstract ...
Azure AD join the with a licensed user (for example this user will be given administrator rights to the machine Add testuser to the local "Users" group (net localgroup users azuread\testuser /add) remove from the local "administrators" group (net localgroup administrators...
微软此前通过“星期二补丁”宣布了 Windows LAPS(Local Administrator Password Solution,本地管理员密码解决方案)功能的可用性,该功能在 Windows 10、Windows 11 和服务器上可用。 不过也存在一些问题,微软确认了与旧版 LAPS 的互操作性问题。当旧版 LAPS(MSI 软件包)安装在升级最新“星期二补丁”的计算机上时,旧...
Is there a step-by-step guide available to switch from Legacy LAPS to Windows LAPS where we using same local administrator account? May 24 202303:26 AM As per Pauls question: Can someone confirm that setting "Enable Azure AD Local Administrator Password Solution (...
administratorType public AdministratorType administratorType() Get the administratorType property: Type of the sever administrator. Returns: the administratorType value.azureADOnlyAuthentication public Boolean azureADOnlyAuthentication() Get the azureADOnlyAuthentication property: Azure Active Directory...
administratorType public AdministratorType administratorType() Get the administratorType property: Type of the sever administrator. Returns: the administratorType value.azureADOnlyAuthentication public Boolean azureADOnlyAuthentication() Get the azureADOnlyAuthentication property: Azure Active Directo...
Please bookmark the updated Azure article on this subject, Assigning administrator roles in Azure AD.When you assign an admin role using any of the portals (or cmdlets), it is important you understand that this change will be tenant-wide, so assigning an admin role in one portal will grant...