Advice wanted: Azure AD Join a PC with own O365 when working as an interim for clients? Most of my time I spend on connecting users and their computers to an O365 environment. When possible (when they have a computer that runs Windows 10 Pro or I can convince...
您使用已註冊 Microsoft Entra (未加入 Microsoft Entra 或未加入混合式 Microsoft Entra) 的電腦做為 RDP 用戶端來起始與您 VM 的連線時,您必須以 AzureAD\UPN 的格式 (例如 AzureAD\ 輸入認證。 確認Microsoft Entra Join 完成之後,未解除安裝 AADLoginForWindows 延伸模組。 此外,請確定伺服...
Oct 14, 2020 james00000007 Hi you can join a Client to both Azure AD and AD DS. Did you have Azure AD connect in place to synchronize existing AD DS User to Azure AD? You can configure Azure AD connect for Hybrid-join for devices, then devices they are available in...
I have Office 365 business standard license and am the global administrator. Trying to join the AAD domain by going to settings - accounts - Access work or school - connect - clicked on Join this device to Azure Active Directory. Getting the below error saying that invalid_client w...
We have kiosks that are connected to Wi-fi only and are Azure AD domain join for intune. If in the case that the PC loses WiFi connection. How can I logon to the PC? Is there an expiration TTL on how long I have where I can still logon while the machine is offline? Is ther...
Azure AD Registration: Used for BYOD devices Windows/macOS/Android etc. (Can be managed by Intune). Users log in with their local credentials. Hybrid Azure AD Join: Used for corporate assets you want to manage with GPO (or SCCM). Windows Only. These assets will be in a local (tradition...
Enabling Azure AD Join You can also configure the following options: Maximum number of devices per user Designate the maximum number of devices a user can have in Azure AD. If a user reaches this quota, they will not be able to add additional devices until one or more of their existing ...
Register non-Windows 10 devices with Azure AD without the need for any AD FS infrastructure. This capability needs you to use version 2.1 or later of the workplace-join client. 以上2种认证方式的工作原理见下图: 具体配置的操作过程,大家可以参考下面的链接: ...
Microsoft Entra 登録済み (Microsoft Entra 参加済みまたは Microsoft Entra ハイブリッド参加済みではない) PC を RDP クライアントとして使用して VM への接続を開始する場合は、AzureAD\UPNの形式で資格情報を入力する必要があります (例:AzureAD\。
You need to create and assign a new user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join Autopilot profile. You need to create and assign a new Domain Join (Preview) device configuration profile that specifies the domain name, OU, and computer name prefix to use. (These settings are not part of ...