不推荐Azure AD Connect安装在Domain Controller上,需将部署Azure AD Connect的Server作为Domain Member 如果部署ADFS,那么Server必须安装在Windows Server 2012以及以上版本 如果部署ADFS,需要SSL Certification以及配置Name resolution 如果Global Admin启用了MFA,那么需要在浏览器的trusted site list里信任该URL:https://sec...
2-执行MicrosoftAzureADConnectionTool.exe。 3-转到“欢迎使用Azure AD Sync”对话框后,同意许可条款,然后单击“安装”。 4-一旦安装,该工具将启动(可能需要几秒钟),一旦您连接到Azure AD,请提供凭据以连接到Azure AD目录。在Azure的目录SysAdmin中使用了Global Admin。 5-和我们假设的一样,需要向“ 连接到AD ...
AzureADPasswordProtectionProxySetup.exe /quiet 1. 安装完成后,将Proxy Service注册到Azure AD和注册本地AD林: Import-Module AzureADPasswordProtection Get-Service AzureADPasswordProtectionProxy | fl Register-AzureADPasswordProtectionProxy-AccountUpn'yourglobaladmin@yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com'#将Proxy Service注册...
安装完成后,将Proxy Service注册到Azure AD和注册本地AD林: Import-Module AzureADPasswordProtectionGet-Service AzureADPasswordProtectionProxy | flRegister-AzureADPasswordProtectionProxy -AccountUpn 'yourglobaladmin@yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com' #将Proxy Service注册到Azure ADRegister-AzureADPasswordProtectionForest ...
Use the Azure AD Password Reset feature: If the global admin account has been set up for Azure AD Password Reset, you can use this feature to reset the password. This requires that the admin has set up an alternate email address or phone number for password reset. For more information ple...
you understand that this change will be tenant-wide, so assigning an admin role in one portal will grant the user the same permissions across all of the services that your organization has subscribed to. For more information about how your tenant works, seeAdministering your Azure AD tenant. ...
AD FS Adfs。<region>。<fqdn> HTTPS 443 入口網站 (系統管理員) Adminportal。<region>。<fqdn> HTTPS 443 Adminhosting *.adminhosting。<region>。<fqdn> HTTPS 443 Azure Resource Manager(系統管理員) Adminmanagement。<region>。<fqdn> HTTPS 443 入口網站 (使用者) Portal.<region>.<fqdn> HTTPS 443...
Windows Admin Center 管理员登录 允许以管理员身份通过 Windows Admin Center 管理资源的 OS。 a6333a3e-0164-44c3-b281-7a577aff287f网络展开表 内置角色说明ID Azure Front Door 域参与者 供Azure 内部使用。 可以管理 Azure Front Door 域,但不能向其他用户授予访问权限。 0ab34830-df19-4f8c-b84e-...
az mysql flexible-server ad-admin 创建Active Directory 管理员 Azure CLI az mysql flexible-server ad-admin create 示例:使用用户“john@contoso.com”、管理员 ID“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”和标识“test-identity”创建 Active Directory 管理员 ...