在左侧导航窗格上单击Manage下的Enterprise applications。 单击New application。此时将显示Browse Azure AD Gallery屏幕,其中列出 Oracle 云平台。 单击Oracle以显示可用的 Oracle 云平台列表。 单击Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console。 在Name中,输入名称,然后单击Create以添加 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 实例作为 Azure ...
Our application is created as a non-gallery enterprise application which requires which requires an "Azure AD Premium P2" subscription level. When deploying this application into client tenants will they also require this subscription level in order to utilise the application? When clients inst...
4. 建立Azure AD Enterprise應用程式 在AD下,選擇Enterprise Applications並按一下New application。 選擇Create your own application。 輸入應用程式的名稱,然後選取「整合在收藏館中找不到的任何其他應用程式(非收藏館)」圓鈕,再按一下「建立」按鈕(如圖所示)。
使用您的企业凭据或 Azure AD 租户的本地用户登录到 Azure 门户 (https://portal.azure.com/)。 在顶部搜索栏中搜索 Active Directory 以访问Azure Active Directory服务。 单击左侧面板中的企业应用程序 (Enterprise Applications): 单击企业应用程序 (Enterprise Applications)面...
In this video, we'll walk you through all of the new capabilities we've added in preview for Azure Active Directory management in the new Azure portal! You'll learn about the new application gallery and quick start experiences, as well as all of the impr
Get-AzureADApplication -All:$true | Where-Object { $_.PublicClient -ne $true } | FT #Native Client (Desktop/Mobile device) Apps Get-AzureADApplication -All:$true | Where-Object { $_.PublicClient -eq $true } | FT Enterprise Application (Service Principal) ...
Creating Azure AD Enterprise Applications Note: This step creates an Azure AD enterprise application. If you’re already using one, you can skip this step and go straight toconfiguring CAM. 1.Go to theAzure AD Portaland clickAzure Active Directoryin the left sidebar. This is shown in the fo...
Hi all, I would like to know if there is some way to retrieve the Notes field with some cmdlet. I've tried the Get-AzureADServicePrincipal, Get-AzADApplication and Get-AzureADApplication but none of this have that information. Also with…
4.建立Azure AD Enterprise應用程式 在AD下,選擇Enterprise Applications,然後按一下New application,如下圖所示。 選擇Non-gallery應用程式,如下圖所示。 輸入應用程式的名稱,然後按一下Add。 5.將組新增到應用程式 選擇分配使用者和組。 按一下Add user。