列出Microsoft Entra设备 microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.azureADDevice 集合 获取azureADDevice 对象及其属性的列表。 获取Microsoft Entra设备 microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.azureADDevice 读取azureADDevice 对象的属性和关系。 删除Microsoft Entra设备 None 删除azureADDevice 对象。 注册更新管理 None 通过Windows 自动修...
2、设置 (1)计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows 组件 → MDM → 使用默认 Azure AD 凭据启用自动 MDM 注册 (2)计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows 组件 → Device Registration → 注册将已加入域的计算机注册为设备 3、客户端刷新组策略重启,打开 PowerShell 运行 dsregcmd /status # 查看 AzureAdJoined, A...
模块: AzureAD 从Active Directory 获取设备。语法PowerShell 复制 Get-AzureADDevice [-All <Boolean>] [-Top <Int32>] [-Filter <String>] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Get-AzureADDevice [-SearchString <String>] [-All <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]...
Active Directory(简称AD)是企业基础架构的基石,做好其灾备是非常重要的。Active Directory 灾难恢复 (DR) 计划应涵盖执行完整 AD林恢复所需的所有内容。AD的备份有多种方式,例如,使用 Windows Server Backup 可以实现完整的服务器备份与恢复;也可以使用建立多台额外域控,转移或者夺取FSMO角色的方式快速恢复服务。在建...
The URIs that identify the application within its Azure AD tenant, or within a verified custom domain if the application is multi-tenant isDeviceOnlyAuthSupported isDeviceOnlyAuthSupported Specifies whether this application supports device authentication without a user. The default is false isFallbac...
Azure AD B2C Azure Attestation Azure AI Services Azure Arc site manager Azure Arc enabled SCVMM Azure Arc enabled VMware Azure Compute Fleet Azure confidential ledger Azure Container Apps Azure Data Manager for Agriculture Azure Kusto Azure Load Testing Azure Migrate Azure NetApp Files Azure Integration...
The URIs that identify the application within its Azure AD tenant, or within a verified custom domain if the application is multi-tenant isDeviceOnlyAuthSupported isDeviceOnlyAuthSupported Specifies whether this application supports device authentication without a user. The default is false isFallbac...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":1165192,"subject":"Device Migration from On-prem AD to Azure AD","id":"message:1165192","revisionNum":7,"repliesCount":28,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:253287"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:Azure-...
本主题概述 Azure Active Directory (AD) Graph API 实体和操作之间的版本差异。 你必须通过在请求中包含api-version查询字符串参数来指定想要使用的操作版本。 不含api-version参数的请求将被拒绝并返回(400) 错误请求响应。 如果你的服务调用某一较旧版本的操作,则可以选择继续调用该旧版本,也可以对代码进行修改以...
Is there a significant delay between enabling LAPS within Device settings and being able to create a profile? I enabled the Azure AD LAPS setting aroung 15 minutes ago, and still only see Local user group membership and Account protection (Preview) within ...