2、设置 (1)计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows 组件 → MDM → 使用默认 Azure AD 凭据启用自动 MDM 注册 (2)计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows 组件 → Device Registration → 注册将已加入域的计算机注册为设备 3、客户端刷新组策略重启,打开 PowerShell 运行 dsregcmd /status # 查看 AzureAdJoined, A...
开始使用 Azure 全球基础结构 数据中心区域 信任云 Azure Essentials 客户案例 产品和定价 产品 Azure 定价 免费Azure 服务 灵活的购买选项 Azure 上的 FinOps 优化成本 解决方案和支持 解决方案 用于加速增长的资源 解决方案体系结构 支援 Azure 演示和实时问答 合作伙伴 Azure 市场 寻找合作伙伴 加...
开始使用 Azure 案例研究 案例研究 案例研究 返回“客户案例”部分 获取Azure 移动应用
若為應用程式開發人員,您的第一個工作是註冊 Azure AD 應用程式。 Azure AD 應用程式會建立您應用程式的身分識別,並指定對 Power BI REST API 資源的權限。 您的應用程式可以使用 Azure AD 應用程式註冊來產生 Azure AD 權杖。每個Azure AD 應用程式都有 ApplicationID,有時稱為 ClientID。 其是全域唯一識...
Hello, I have ~100 Windows devices that are currently enrolled in Intune and all of them are now Azure AD Registered. I don't see anything in the...
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action 此為在私人端點連接的虛擬網路上的必要條件。 Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/read 此為在資源群組上的必要條件,才能取得針對私人端點建立的網路介面。 私人DNS 區域參與者角色。此角色已存在,而且可以用來提供 Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/A/* 和Microsof...
Applications that are registered through Azure Portal (or programmatically) in your Azure Tenant is App Registration apps or Home Tenant Apps. Enterprise Applications are generally registered at another tenant (the one their publisher uses), when you consume the other tenant apps your Azure AD in...
Assigning a specific tag to resources representing Arc-enabled servers during their registration. Identify Arc-enabled servers running Windows with Windows Defender Exploit Guard disabled. Identify Arc-enabled servers running Windows that are not joined to a specific Active Directory Domain Services ...
1. The device finds the SCP and decided to try a hybrid domain join. 2. It verifies Azure Device Registration service to see if it can join. If this is successful it generates a user certificate and populates the UserCertificate attribute in on-prem Active Directory. ...
However, another common fix for this issue is like before–and it has to do with previous registrations going stale (I believe) and the local device and Azure AD not agreeing on the state of the registration. So, you guessed it:dsregcmd /debug /leaveto the rescue! Reboot and confirm sta...