1、创建一条组策略 使用 组策略 自动注册 Windows 设备 - Windows Client Management | Microsoft Learn 2、设置 (1)计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows 组件 → MDM → 使用默认 Azure AD 凭据启用自动 MDM 注册 (2)计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows 组件 → Device Registration → 注册将已加入域的计算机...
• The Azure AD is to be integrated with on-premises AD and authentication system to provide modern hybrid identity solution for cloud computing, device management and Office 365. • Automation processes from various IT management systems (e.g.: Service Now) also need interfaces with Azure AD...
Integrate Azure AD with MDM and configure policies based on Directory-users and groups. Try free for 30 days!
列出Microsoft Entra设备 microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.azureADDevice 集合 获取azureADDevice 对象及其属性的列表。 获取Microsoft Entra设备 microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.azureADDevice 读取azureADDevice 对象的属性和关系。 删除Microsoft Entra设备 None 删除azureADDevice 对象。 注册更新管理 None 通过Windows 自动修...
2.打开Group Policy Management Console,新建Group Policy->Administative Templates->Windows Components->MDM, 编辑Enable Automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD Credentials,如下所示: 3.选择enabled,然后选择user credentials,如下所示: 4.将GPO 分配给到Device上 ...
mode enables frontline workers to use shared devices to access Power BI content with ease and security. It leverages the capabilities of Azure AD and Microsoft Intune to provide a seamless and safe experience for users who need to switch between different accounts and apps on ...
If the Windows 10 machines are already workplace joined (Azure AD registered), then in Settings > Accounts > Access work or school > there is an option to only enroll into device management (Intune) Friday, October 26, 2018 1:57 AM |1 vote ...
最近客户有个需求,希望把面向public的Web应用中的终端用户数据库由Azure AD来实现,同时希望可以用MFA来实现用户身份认证。这个想法非常好,通过使用Azure的managed service AAD,耗时耗力的数据库运维工作由Azure来完成, 安全管控也同样由Azure完成,开发只要在代码中调用相应的AAD SDK并做相应配置就可以实现集成。 可是印象...
Azure AD provides users with the following two important benefits:Identity and access management (IAM): Boost security, productivity, and management across devices, data, apps, and infrastructures. On-the-go applications management: Access all of your cloud applications from any location or device ...
Add-AzureADMSApplicationOwner Add-AzureADMSServicePrincipalDelegatedPermissionClassification Administrative Units Application Proxy Application Management Application Proxy Connector Management Applications Certificate Authorities Connect to your directory Contacts Contracts Deleted Objects Devices Directory Directory Objects ...