Azure AD Groups, Claims and the Graph API.Article 05/02/2017 As part of my role as a Premier Field Engineer I deliver training workshops on Azure. Recently the customer wanted to know all about the Graph API, the REST interface for interacting with Azure Active Directory from a custom ...
<string>:主機或 API 路徑線段的字串值。 <tenantId>:Azure 所產生的 GUID,用來代表 Azure 內的租用戶。 <tenantInitialDomain>-<tenantInitialDomain>,其中<tenantInitialDomain>是租用戶建立者在建立租用戶時指定的初始網域名稱。 <verifiedCustomDomain>:為 Microsoft Entra 租用戶設定的已驗證自訂...
After many tears, I have managed to get Azure AD and Azure B2C working well using the instructions at However, I cannot get the custom attributes that I have defined to ...
只有 Azure AD B2C 使用者屬性體驗中列出的 使用者屬性和自訂屬性 ,才能在要求中傳送。 > 自訂屬性存在於 目錄中的 extension_ < extensions-app-id > _CustomAttribute 格式中。 您的 API 應該預期會收到這個相同序列化格式的宣告。 如需自訂屬性的詳細資訊,請參閱 在Azure AD B2C 中定義自訂屬性。...
CustomAdfsName AD FS 提供者名稱 宣告提供者的名稱。其會顯示在AD FS登陸頁面上。 Contoso CustomADFSFederationMetadataEndpointUri AD FS 元數據 URI 同盟元數據連結。 SigningCertificateRevocationCheck NA 選擇性參數以略過CRL檢查。 無觸...
Azure AD B2C Custom Policies Troubleshooting Policies and Auditing Microsoft Corporation Published: September 2018 Version: 0.9 (DRAFT) Author: Philippe Beraud (Microsoft France), Jose Rojas (Microsoft Corporation) Contributors/Reviewers: Marce...
of the core templates of the "Starter Pack", that mainly defines the core elements that Azure AD B2C can basically leverages basically leverages for your custom policies that will inherit from it: core claims schema and transformati...
groupMembershipClaims Edm.String POST, GET, PATCH A bitmask that configures the "groups" claim issued in a user or OAuth 2.0 access token that the application expects. The bitmask values are: 0: None, 1: Security groups and Azure AD roles, 2: Reserved, and 4: Reserved. Setting the bitma...
Microsoft Graph 是一个统一的 API,它还包括其他 Microsoft 服务(如 Outlook、OneDrive、OneNote、Planner 和 Office Graph)的 API,这些都可以使用单个访问令牌通过单个终结点进行访问。实体参考Application 实体 表示一个应用程序。 将身份验证外包给 Azure AD 的任何应用程序都必须在目录中进行注册。 这涉及告诉 Azure...
A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a standard way of validating authentication. A JWT is encoded JSON that verifies the identity of a user from a trusted source and that contains claims about that user, such as name and email address. The partner used AD B2C as the trusted source...