但是,如果有多个连接器,可使用 Set-ADSyncAADPasswordSyncConfiguration cmdlet 为某些连接器禁用密码哈希同步,但无法为另一些连接器禁用。 更改本地密码时,更新后的密码会同步,此操作基本上在几分钟内就可完成。密码哈希同步功能会自动重 试失败的同步尝试。如果尝试同步密码期间出现错误,该错误会被记录在事件查看器中...
Dear All, I am configuring my AD Connect and is setting up the AD FS and I face the following error screen even though I have entered my credentials as a global administrator. ...
1. 部署Azure Connect之前,需要在Azure AD(Microsoft 365)Add and Verify Domain(同时也需要Godaddy进行相关配置),否则在配置Azure AD Connect时sign in Azure AD会失效。 2.https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47594下载并安装Azure AD Connect 3. 如果你是Single-forest domain并且使用pa...
并使用该值构造元数据 URL(在本例中为 OpenID Connect),例如:https://login.chinacloudapi.cn/trainingdiscussion.partner.onmschina.cn/.well-known/openid-configuration 以下载用于验证令牌的两项关键信息:租户的签名密钥和颁发者值。每个 Azure AD 租户使用以下格式的唯一颁发者值:https://sts.chinacloudapi.cn...
4.如果从On Premise Active Directory 同步用户+ attributes+organization时非全部同步,而是按照OU分批同步或者 user attribute 同步有特殊要求,那么需要在最终configure 步骤,取消勾选“start the synchronization process when Configuration completes”复选框
You can configure Adobe SSO using Azure AD connector. During the setup, it will give you an option to sync the domain and the user groups with Adobe. There is no need to create any APP on Azure. Azure Adobe configuration will take care of it. Help link: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/...
4.如果从On Premise Active Directory同步用户+ attributes+organization时非全部同步,而是按照OU分批同步或者user attribute同步有特殊要求,那么需要在最终configure步骤,取消勾选“start the synchronization process when Configuration completes”复选框 参考文章: ...
Additional configuration for the message being sent to the invited user, including customizing message text, language and cc recipient list. Invite Redirect URL inviteRedirectUrl inviteRedirectUrl inviteRedirectUrl status status status The status of the invitation. Invited User invitedUser invitedUse...
[],"dynamicByCoreNode":false,"description":"Adds buttons to share to various social media websites","fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[],"__typename":"ComponentProperties"},"components":[{"id":"custom.widget.Social_Sharing","form":null,"config":null,"...
Learn how to install the Azure AD Connect provisioning agent and how to configure it in the Azure portal.