模块: AzureAD 在Azure Active Directory 中按 ID 汇报条件访问策略。语法PowerShell 复制 Set-AzureADMSConditionalAccessPolicy -PolicyId <String> [-Id <String>] [-DisplayName <String>] [-State <String>] [-Conditions <ConditionalAccessConditionSet>] [-GrantControls <ConditionalAccessGrantControls>] ...
1. 切换到Azure AD的Conditional Access页面,如下所示: 2. 创建Guest用户的Policy,如下所示: 3. 请求所有Guest用户启用MFA认证,如下所示: 所以为了外部用户对企业内部的服务和应用程序的安全访问,建议企业配置Guest的Conditional Access Policy。 谢谢大家的阅读...
具体操作如下: 1. 确保您的Managed Device是Hybrid AAD的Device,如下所示: 2. 在Conditional Access页面,在Access Control->Grant页面,勾选:Require Hybrid Azure AD Joined Device,如下所示: 3. 这样我们如果冲unmanaged device访问Office 365的数据的话,就会收到如下提示: 完全加持了数据保护,今天给大家分享的内容...
A great new feature has been added to Azure AD Conditional Access that provides the ability to block access from legacy clients (In preview at the time of writing this post). I've had many customers ask for this capability so I thought I'd put together a quick run though on h...
All my user mobile devices (Windows based) are Azure AD joined (no hybid)The requirement is to allow access to online resources from these devices ONLY &...
Maximum number of stored access policies per blob container 5 Target request rate for a single blob Up to 500 requests per second Target throughput for a single page blob Up to 60 MiB per second2 Target throughput for a single block blob Up to storage account ingress/egress limits1 1 Throug...
Conditional Access: Require "Azure AD joined"? In the Grant access configuration I can require a device to be "Hybrid Azure AD joined". Can this option be used to require "Azure AD joined" for cloud only organizations? If "Hybrid Azure AD joined" is including "Azure AD joi...
Hello, Recently I noticed that when Conditional Access policy is enabled in the Azure AD B2C to block the user, if condition is met, below page is displayed (as expected): However, when we want to modify the header "User Details" and…
Policies can be for all device platforms or set to block a specific platform. Azure AD conditional access supports policy checks for Android, iOS, Windows phones, Windows and macOS devices via user-agent strings. User agent strings can be customized, so work in this area needs to ...
基于设备的条件访问是 Azure AD 中最热门的功能之一,而且进展势头迅猛。今天,我很高兴宣布针对基于设备和应用的条件访问正式发布一系列功能,而这也是许多人热切期待的。 支持基于 macOS 设备的条件访问 基于应用程序的条件访问,通过 iOS 和 Android 的应用内控件限制对托管应用的访问 ...