this is my understanding - think of how a user authenticates when logging into a laptop let's say - is it against a domain controller or Azure AD? Since we're talking about Hybrid Azure AD Join, Azure AD Connect, etc. I
However, I have an Azure AD environment with ~250 Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices. When I look at Devices in the portal, most of them show an Owner but a lot of them say N/A in the Owner column. At the same time, if I choose to look at things from the User perspective and ...
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService 显示另外 191 个 本文讨论了移动资源时的特殊注意事项,并列出了哪些 Azure 资源类型支持移动操作。请查看移动资源前需查看的清单,以确保满足先决条件。 不支持跨 Microsoft Entra 租户移动资源。重要 大多数情况下,子资源不能与其父资源分开移动。 子资源的资源类型采用 <resource-pro...
Microsoft.StorageSync存储 Web 和移动 资源提供程序说明Azure 服务 Microsoft.CertificateRegistration支持应用程序使用自己的凭据进行身份验证。应用服务证书 Microsoft.DomainRegistration应用服务 Microsoft.Maps简单且安全的定位 API 为数据提供地理空间上下文。Azure Maps ...
· Azure AD Connect sync · Self-Service Password Change for cloud users · Azure AD Join · Password Protection · Multi-Factor Authentication · Basic security and usage reports · Azure AD features for guest users etc Premium P1 License:提供了所有免费功能和一些高级管理功能,比如动态组或者Self-...
{ Key = 'Hybrid Azure AD Join'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid join' }, @{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory External Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra External ID' }, @{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Identity Governance'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Governance' }, @{ Key = '...
multicloud-connector2.61.0Microsoft Azure コマンド ライン ツール MulticloudConnector 拡張機能。GA1.0.1 ネオン2.61.0Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Neon 拡張機能。プレビュー1.0.0b2 netappfiles-preview2.61.0次期 Azure NetApp Files (ANF) 機能のプレビューを提供します。プレビュー1.0.0b3...
Well, this goes back to the Hybrid Azure AD Join process. The device is initially joined to Active Directory, but not yet registered with Azure AD. That registration process (tied to AAD Connect) could take some time, maybe 30 minutes. Until that happens, the user can’t get ...
If the computer can't join the domain, it indicates one of the following problems:The computer is experiencing an issue in contacting the domain controllers. The Active Directory domain is rejecting the request.Error 2: The Azure Active Directory Sync Tool is already ...
The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the Compute Nodes of the Pool will join. This is of the form /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/{provider}/virtualNetworks/{network}/subnets/{subnet}. The virtual network must be in the same region and ...