Azure 操作的对象主体,可以是一个Azure AD账户,用户通过登录Azure AD来,通过交互式命令(PowerShell, CLI)或者用户操作界面(Portal),操作Azure资源 另外一种操作对象主体,可以一个第三方的App应用,App应用在访问Azure环境的时候,不像人一样,根据交互式UI输入用户名和密码,在这种情况下,就需要通过service principle的方...
此处必须开启相应的 API 权限,否则飞连内导入 Azure AD 组织架构或者授权第三方登录时将无法正常连通。 单击应用进入应用详情页,在左侧导航栏单击API permissions。 单击Add a permission,并单击Microsoft Graph。 在Delegated permissions中添加委派相关权限,在Application permissions中添加应用相关权限。
第一步:先在AAD中注册一个APP,步骤可参考:将应用程序注册到 Microsoft 标识平台 将应用程序注册到 Azure AD 租户 第二步:在API Permissions界面中添加Azure 存储相关权限,可参考:
创建应用程序的PowerShell命令是New-AzureADApplication,它的详细用法请参考这里 $app=New-AzureADApplication-DisplayName"yourapplicationname"-ReplyUrls""-Homepage"https://web...
Grant the application permissions. All these three steps need to done from Graph API. The first step is done below: Application gets created and we get the application id: '16147e04-136b-4ea8-a45d-1cc2d9d0e0af' Copy string tenentId = "!!!-f8a6-4418-b062-26ad5b6608dd"...
Connect-AzureAD -Credential $credential -AzureEnvironmentName AzureChinaCloud # 如果没有错误请继续 Get-AzureADApplication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 查询所有的服务定义信息 我们需要通过脚本获取到当前这个Azure AD中已经定义好的服务信息 Get-AzureADServicePrincipal ...
通过Azure AD的注册应用获取到Token后,访问AAD Group并查看日志信息时候,遇见了 {"error":{"code":"UnauthorizedAccessException","message":"Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."}} Python 代码 -- 使用AAD 注册应用获取Token importrequestsimportjsondefget_bearer_token():tenant_id="your azure ten...
Open a new PowerShell window, change to the directory where the file is located and typeImport-Module.\\sample-ar-app-permissions.psm1 \n TypeConnect-AzureADMSARSample. This obtains a token needed for the service principal to call Graph. You’ll be prompted to provide the...
Select Add permissions to add the permission to your app registration. After adding the permissions you need, back in the Configured permissions window, select Grant admin consent to grant the Azure AD Graph permissions to your app registration....
// Replace {tenant} with the tenant (GUID or name) you need admin consent for // Replace {app_id} with your Azure AD assigned application id GET{tenant}/adminconsent? client_id={app_id} &state=12345 &redirect_uri=https://localhost/myapp/permissions ...