然後,您可以使用 $ipAddressRanges 中的IP 位址範圍來更新您的防火牆。 請查看防火牆/網路設備的網站,以取得如何更新防火牆的相關資訊。測試服務端點的網路連線向Azure 檔案同步服務註冊伺服器之後,就可以使用 Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity Cmdlet 和 ServerRegistration.exe 測試與此伺服器特有的所有端點 (URL) ...
Azure datacenter IP address ranges The Azure AD Assessment requires connectivity to the Internet from the data collection machine or proxy server. The endpoints listed in the following articles should be reachable from the data collection machine for successful assessment setup and execution. These are...
然后,可以使用$ipAddressRanges中的 IP 地址范围来更新防火墙。 请查看防火墙/网络设备的网站,了解如何更新防火墙。 测试服务终结点的网络连接性 在向Azure 文件同步服务注册服务器后,Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivitycmdlet 和 ServerRegistration.exe 可用于测试与特定于此服务器的所有终结点 (URL) 的通信。 此 cmdl...
介绍Active Directory 域服务 (AD DS) 虚拟化(级别 100) 虚拟化域控制器技术参考(级别 300) 虚拟化域控制器技术参考(级别 300) 虚拟化域控制器体系结构 虚拟化域控制器部署和配置 在Azure VM 上运行 Active Directory 使用Hyper-V 的虚拟化域控制器 ...
Select language English Download | Version: 2025.02.03 Date Published: 2/5/2025 File Name: ServiceTags_Public_20250203.json File Size: 3.7 MB This file contains the IP address ranges for Public Azure as a whole, each Azure region within Public, and ranges for several Azure Services (Service...
Invitation redemption failed -- AADB2B_0001 : We canot create a self-service Azure AD account for you because the directory is federated. Tenant's admin must create an account for you. Is it possible to bypass the application proxy pre-authentication for certain IP address ranges? Is it poss...
02 Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud 03 This file contains the Compute IP address ranges (including SQL ranges) used by the Microsoft Azure Datacenters. 04 Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool 64-bit
For additional information which addresses are used by AAD and Office 365, please refer to Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges.Connector DeploymentBefore you can start with the installation of a connector, you need to make sure that the deployment prerequisites are satisfied. The objective of ...
Restrict caller IPsFilters (allows/denies) calls from specific IP addresses and/or address ranges.YesYesYesYesYes Validate Microsoft Entra tokenEnforces existence and validity of a Microsoft Entra (formerly called Azure Active Directory) JWT extracted from either a specified HTTP header, query paramete...
github_ip_ranges.sh - returns GitHub's IP ranges, either all by default or for a select given service such as hooks or actions github_sync_repo_descriptions.sh - syncs GitHub repo descriptions to GitLab & BitBucket repos github_release.sh - creates a GitHub Release, auto-incrementing a ...