登录到 Azure 门户并打开 Identity Governance 页面。 在左侧菜单的 访问评审 下, 设置。 在"可以创建和管理访问评审的代理人"页上,设置 (预览版)组所有者可以创建和管理他们拥有的组的访问评审 设置为 "是"。查看对组的访问权限指定访问评审的设置后,选择 开始。 访问评审将显示在列表中...
Azure AD Identity Governance Azure Active Directory Identity Governance Azure AD Identity Governance Table of contents Today's hyper-connected world and the ways we work Are you effectively controlling access to resources? Identity is the new security perimeter Introducing Azure Active Directory Identity ...
以前称为“Azure Active Directory <功能名称>”或“Azure AD <功能名称>”的功能或服务品牌化为 Microsoft Entra 产品系列功能。 为了避免命名长度问题和造成复杂性,还由于很多功能跨所有产品工作,这项更改在我们的产品组合中完成。 例如: “Azure AD 条件访问”现在称为“Microsoft Entra 条件访问” ...
使用 Azure AD Identity Governance 设置来管理外部用户的生 命周期 使用 Azure AD Identity Governance 设置来管理外部用户的生命周期 你可以选择当一位受邀(通过已批准的访问包请求)访问你的目录的外部用户不再具有任何访问包分 配时,会发生什么情况.如果该用户放弃其所有访问包分配,或者其最后一个访问包分配过期,则...
{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory External Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra External ID' }, @{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Identity Governance'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Governance' }, @{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Verifiable Credentials'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Verified ID'...
Identity Governance 仪表板 标识治理服务限制 许可基础知识 服务和集成合作伙伴 保护ID 治理的最佳做法 保护Azure 逻辑应用的自定义扩展扩展性 标识治理 - PowerShell 访问评审 - Microsoft Graph API 权利管理 - Microsoft Graph API 自定义警报 生命周期工作流 ...
An Azure Active Directory Identity Governance solution empowers Microsoft customers to securely collaborate with guests across organizational boundaries. Customers can set upautomated, periodic access reviews using an intuitive interface that provides smart recommendations, ensuring that...
由于Microsoft Graph PowerShell 还处于 Beta版本,所以在使用中会遇见 Unknow Issue,比如在使用 Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy 命令从 IdentityGovernance 中更新 accessPackageAssignmentPolicies时候,就遇见了如下错误: Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy_UpdateExpanded: C:\...
questionsandattribute collection. Today, we’re highlighting how these features work and sharing how they help with processes like partner onboarding. These additions enhance Azure AD identity governance, which helps organizations balance the need for security and productivity with ...
Engage with your customers and partners across multiple platforms and simplify the sign-in experience with Azure Active Directory.