Azure 定价 免费Azure 服务 灵活的购买选项 Azure 上的 FinOps 优化成本 解决方案和支持 解决方案 用于加速增长的资源 解决方案体系结构 支援 Azure 演示和实时问答 合作伙伴 Azure 市场 寻找合作伙伴 加入ISV 成功计划 资源 培训与认证 文件 部落格 开发人员资源 ...
Azure pricing Free Azure services Flexible purchase options FinOps on Azure Optimize your costs Solutions and support Solutions Resources for accelerating growth Solution architectures Support Azure demo and live Q&A Partners Azure Marketplace Find a partner ...
Like AWS, Azure builds on a core set of AI, compute, storage, database, and networking services. In many cases, the platforms offer similar products and services. For example, both AWS and Azure can use Linux distributions and open-source software technologies. Both platforms support building ...
长久以来,Azure 和 AWS 各自建立了自身的功能,因此,这两个平台的实现方式和设计具有很大差别。 例如,AWS 严重依赖于 AWS 帐户,作为应用权限或跟踪支出等操作的逻辑边界。 Azure 具有类似于 AWS 帐户的订阅,并且资源组用于在更精细的级别对资源进行逻辑分组和管理。
Azure Active Directory(Azure AD)是微软的云身份认证和授权服务。它是 Azure 云计算平台的一部分,用于管理和控制云应用程序和服务的访问权限。Azure AD 提供身份验证和授权服务,使用户可以在任何设备上使用单一身份验证,安全地访问云应用程序和其他相关资源。
这篇文章主要用于介绍如何使用 postman 来获得 Azure active directory 的用户访问 token,这个步骤是使用 Azure 对用户鉴权使用的第一步。 确定tenant Azure 允许你有多个 tenant,你可以在 Azure 的控制台中对 tenant 进行切换,这个是你需要做的第一步。确定你希望使用的 teant。
AWS IAM Role Although there is no direct equivalent in Azure, there are two concepts that are similar:Azure User Assigned Managed Identity(although it cannot beassumedby “users” but can only be assigned to “resources”) andAzure AD Workload Identity Federation(i.e., whic...
Azure Blob storage and Azure Files are equivalent to these services in what they do. Blob storage functions the same way as S3 and EBS, while Files functions the same way as EFS. Azure Blob storage primarily saves text and binary data and Azure Files mounts fully managed file shares in a...
The identity management in AWS is called Thing Registry and is equivalent to the one offered in Azure. Device Communication AWS and Azure supports bidirectional communication. The only difference is how this is supported. AWS supports this by using a rule engine. Devices that are connected to AWS...
- azcopy cp "[bucket]/[object]" "https://[destaccount][container]/[path/to/blob]?[SAS]" Copy an entire directory to Blob Storage from AWS S3 by using an access key and a SAS token. First, set the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KE...