Azumanga Daioh was the source for many early 4chan memes, such as Osakaphone. The girls from AD are reposted frequently on /a/, /b/, /c/ and /e/; Osaka is probably the most popular character, owing to her spacey manner and nearly constant smile (both of which many 4channers find ...
Azumanga Daioh Characters Manga Songs Music Episodes Games Voice Actors Helping out This wiki currently needs help with: Characterinformation Manga Chaptersummaries You can add info anonymously orlog inand gain the ability to upload images, blog, and seefewer ads. ...
Tomo Takino, expecting her to act like the stereotypical Osakan—loud, like a hillbilly, chose for her the nickname "Osaka," although her behavior could not be more different. Some Osakans considered her "slow" and "spacey" - but she lacks the energy or motivation to dispute it. Ayumu ...