Conclusions : AZR-MD-001 significantly improved the meibum and tear film quality, resulting in improved wear time in patients with CLD compared to vehicle starting as early as 8 doses of treatment. AZR demonstrated efficacy, safety, and tolerability, with no major adverse events observed.Lyndon ...
Azura公司实验中的新药AZR-MD-001于2022年末完成了二期临床测试,预计于今年三月开启第三轮临床测试。一直以来对于MDG的治疗都是间接药物治疗或者物理治疗,而AZR则是借助去角质剂(Keratolytics)的化学性质融化睑板腺油脂,并在此基础上增加油脂的分泌量。以下内容转自Azura官网:Azura 的主要临床阶段候选药物 AZR-MD-001...
Marc Gleeson, CEO of Azura, sat down with David Hutton, Managing Editor at Ophthalmology Times to discuss the recent positive results from the Phase 2 clinical trial of AZR-MD-001 in patients with contact lens discomfort. Video Transcript Editor's note ...
AZR MD 001 (AZR) is an ophthalmic keratolytic, keratostatic, and lipogenic ointment containing selenium sulfide developed to improve signs and symptoms of MGD. This study evaluated the effect on the ocular surface of AZR applied directly to the Meibomian Glands of patients with CLD who continue ...
Conclusions : AZR-MD-001 significantly improved signs of MGD and tear film stability in CLD beginning as early as 14 days (4 applications) with improvement to 3 months compared to vehicle. AZR-MD-001 demonstrated good efficacy, safety, and tolerability, with no significant adverse events ...
AZR MD 001 (AZR) is an ophthalmic keratolytic, keratostatic, and lipogenic ointment containing selenium sulfide developed to improve signs and symptoms of MGD. This study evaluated the effect on the ocular surface of AZR applied directly to the Meibomian Glands of patients with CLD who continue ...
Conclusions : AZR MD 001 significantly improved the proportion of subjects with open glands and normal meibum secretion quality resulting in more patients who could wear their CLs comfortably for as long as they desired compared to vehicle.Mark Hinds...
AZR-MD-001 (AZR) selenium sulfide topical ointment was investigated as a treatment for MGD. Changes in tear film stability and symptoms of MGD were evaluated. Methods : In a Phase 2, 6-month, multicenter, double-masked, vehicle-controlled, parallel-group trial (NCT03652051), 245 adults were...
AZR-MD-001 (AZR) is an ophthalmic keratolytic, keratostatic, and lipogenic selenium sulfide ointment being developed to improve signs and symptoms of MGD. Methods : Adults with mild to moderate MGD (n=245) were randomized (1:1:1) to AZR 0.5% (n=82) or 1.0% (n=83), or vehicle (...
By Month 6, significantly more patients treated with AZR were asymptomatic for disease (OSDI <13: 0.5% AZR 48.2%, p=0.0333; 1.0% AZR 50.1%, p=0.0205; vehicle 30%). Conclusions : Over 6 months, a greater proportion of patients applying both concentrations of AZR-MD-001 demonstrated a ...