projectionn. 1.[C,U]设计,规划 2.[U]投掷,发射 3.[U]凸出 4.[C]凸出物 5.[U]投射;投影;放映 6.[C]投影图 7.[C,U]【心】投射 8.[C]预测,推测 projection type投射式 rear projection【电】 背面投影 最新单词 bill of exceptions什么意思及同义词【法】 抗辩诉状 ...
"azimuthal" 作为名词时,其含义主要与方位或方向相关。它在不同的科学领域中具有特定的应用和解释: 1. 地理学:Azimuthal通常指地球表面的平面投影图法,如方位投影(azimuthal projection),这种投影方法将地球上的一个圆面(通常是大圆)投影到一个平面上。 2. 物理学:在声波、地震波等波动现象中,azimuthal 可能指的...
azimuthal projection n. A map projection designed so that all azimuthal angles with a vertex at the central point are preserved, thus accurately showing the direction of travel, but not the distance, from the center point to any other point on the map. ...
Related to azimuthal projection:conic projection Azimuthal. A projection of the graticule of the reduced earth onto a plane placed tangential to the reduced earth at a point. Depending on whether the point of tangency is the pole, the equator, or some other point, it is calledpolar, equatorial...
azimuthal projection专业释义 <海事> 方位投影;方位图法 <科技> 方位投影法 <水利> 天顶投影大家的讨论 房地产常见术语中英文对照 术语表: 按揭贷款mortgage loan 按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 房屋空置率housing vacancy rate 安居工程Comfortable Housing Project 板楼,板式楼slab-...
相似单词 azimuthal a. 方位角的 equidistant a. 距离相等的,等距的 projection n. 1.[C,U]设计,规划 2.[U]投掷,发射 3.[U]凸出 4.[C]凸出物 5.[U]投射;投影;放映 6.[C]投影图 7.[C,U]【心】投射 8.[C]预测,推测 projection type 投射式 rear projection 【电】 背面投影 ...
Of course, such an azimuthal projection is unlikely to be applied widely. It was developed only to show how awkward and unnecessary it is to relate the projection plane to the sphere so that projection distortions can be explained. Furthermore, conic projections with any number of standard ...
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection(等距方位投影)是一种地图投影方法,它将地球表面投影到一个平面或球体上,同时保持各个方向上的距离相等。这种投影方法广泛应用于地图制作和地理信息系统等领域。 等距方位投影的一般公式如下: x = R * cos(λ) * cos(φ) y = R * sin(λ) * cos(φ) z = R * sin(φ)...
Some of the common perspective azimuthal projections includegnomonic,stereographic, andorthographic. Let’s look at the azimuthal projection in more detail. Orthographic Projection Here’s what the Earth would look like if you were thousands of miles away in space. Orthographic maps are common for ...
1. This is called an azimuthal projection .这种投影称作方位投影。 2. If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .如果第一根轴与地面垂直,就称为地平式支架。 3. Here we distinguish azimuthal and equatorial mountings as well as fixed and transportable ins...