Response to upfront azacitidine in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia in the AZA-JMML-001 trialAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative therapy for most children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML). Novel therapies controlling the disorder prior to HSCT are ...
背景:III期随机QUAZAR AML-001研究(NCT01757535)证实,与安慰剂相比,口服阿扎胞苷(AZA)可显著改善强化化疗(IC)后首次疾病缓解的老年急性髓系白血病(AML)患者的OS和无复发生存期(RFS),且口服AZA带来的OS和RFS获益不受到患者IC后MRD状态的影响。研究人员对QUAZAR AML-001研究数据进行了事后分析,旨在进一步探索口服AZA对...
Background: The phase III study (AZA-001) in higher-risk MDS patients demonstrated that treatment with azacitidine results in significantly improved overall survival (OS) compared with conventional care regimens (CCR) that is consistent across IPSS cytogenetic risk subgroups (good, intermediate, and ...
Context:In the QUAZAR AML-001 trial, Oral-AZA significantly prolonged OS vs placebo (median 24.7 vs 14.8 months; P<0.001) in patients with AML in remission after IC and ineligible for transplant. At the primary data cutoff (July 2019) Kaplan-Meier (KM) OS curves for Oral-AZA and placebo...
Notably, the treatment with AZA significantly increased overall survival in patients with high-risk MDS as compared with conventional treatments (clinical trial: AZA-001)10. However, the mechanism of action of DNMT inhibitors has not been clearly defined11–16. We previously investigated the effects...
He noted that this study, QUAZAR AML-001 (NCT01757535), was not powered to detect significant differences between consolidation subgroups. “Furthermore, a broad assessment of the impact of consolidation therapy in for the front-line management of AML was not the focus of this trial. An...
A randomized double-blind, double-dummy, multicenter trial of azasetron versus ondansetron to evaluate efficacy and safety in the prevention of delayed nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy. Cancer Res Treat. 2014; 46:19–26. 16. Rosenblatt E, ...
These data confirm the pivotal QUAZAR AML -001 trial results showing OS benefit of Oral-AZA versus no active maintenance therapy, further supporting consistent drug use in all eligible patients in clinical practice. 展开 关键词: AML maintenance oral azacitidine ...
This trial reported a 34% overall response rate with 5-AZA-CdR and an improvement in the progression-free survival (0.55 versus 0.25 years; P = 0.004) compared with the findings for the BSC group. The time to AML progression and overall survival, however, did not differ significantly ...
In a Phase 1 clinical trial, the half-life guadecitabine was 0.59 to 1.44 h following subcutaneous administration and 1.23 to 1.79 h for decitabine derived from guadecitabine with efficient release of decitabine [30]. This was longer than the 35 min half-life of decitabine following IV infusion...