az vmss encryption enable --disk-encryption-keyvault [--force] [--ids] [--key-encryption-algorithm] [--key-encryption-key] [--key-encryption-keyvault] [--name] [--resource-group] [--subscription] [--volume-type {ALL, DATA, OS}] 示例 使用同一资源组中的密钥保管库加密 VM 规模集 Azu...
az vm encryption 管理VM 磁碟的加密。 核心 GA az vm encryption disable 停用OS 磁碟和/或資料磁碟上的磁碟加密。 解密掛接的磁碟。 核心 GA az vm encryption enable 在OS 磁碟和/或資料磁碟上啟用磁碟加密。 加密掛接的磁碟。 核心 GA az vm encryption show 顯示加密狀態。 核心 GA az vm...
Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption 參考 意見反應 模組: Az.Compute 停用IaaS 虛擬機上的加密。 Syntax PowerShell 複製 Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption [-ResourceGroupName] <String> [-VMName] <String> [[-VolumeType] <String>] [[-Name] <String>] [[-TypeHandlerVersion] <String>] [-Force] [-Disable...
az vmss encryption disable 使用托管磁盘在 VMSS 上禁用加密。 核心 GA az vmss encryption enable 使用托管磁盘加密 VMSS。 核心 GA az vmss encryption show 显示加密状态。 核心 GA az vmss extension 管理VM 规模集上的扩展。 核心 GA az vmss extension delete 从VMSS 中删除扩展。 核心 GA ...
I currently don't have openssl on my laptop, that doesn't work, or my VM that does work. I can install it and give it try. Note: I am not convinced that the browser has anything to do with this problem as it doesn't appear to be an attempt to open the browser. ...
Getting the following error when running PS scripts for Azure after upgrading to Az modules 4.1.0 installed older version 3.6.1 still get same error repaired .net still get the error. Failed to create a 'Settings' from the text 'Assembly...
ciscoasa(config)# attribute source-group VMAgent type esxi Related Commands Command Description object network attribute Configures an attribute-based network object. show attribute source-group Shows information about configured attribute agents. show attribute object-map Shows the object-...
If the tunnel has a filter specified, then the filter table is checked before encryption and after decryption to determine whether the inner packet should be permitted or denied. Examples The following is sample output from the show asp table filter command before a u...
Specify encryption keyEnable authenticationEnable encryptionSpecify private root .pem KLUv/QBYjL0DXgNF+AovwJBmgwHrGJuCmmWlLXgJbEb2YbsHyizXRMRXnumUlJTZaUWKGLguiyA4 cwMAVwFuDvAJogm5etufeRFP5c+pi4sWLxcXadKw6LrW8IvXqXVJf8jURtdl07Q09/I2WBkopUPB gweQZAAPHkASATjgwePBwYIHEiAcMgChYfHgwQQKCMpDRMRiof...
az vm encryption enable \ --resource-group $resourcegroup \ --name myVM \ --aad-client-id <sp_id> \ --aad-client-secret <sp_password> \ --disk-encryption-keyvault $keyvault_name \ --key-encryption-key myKey \ --volume-type all ...