From personal experience by fighting along and against Azmodans, I'd say he performs quite well. Not his best map, but he can intercept enemies trying to capture the beacons. I'm not sure if you can build his Azmodunk build from Zerg Rush, but if he can, it is great for him. ...
Android版 快艇狩猎鱼(Speed Boat Hunting Fish : hunt) v1.0.1 安卓版 电脑本地下载 电脑本地下载 南方电信下载 北方联通下载 湖北电信下载 江苏电信下载 广东电信下载 浙江电信下载 包名:com.SpeedBoatHuntingFish.HunterShootingGame.ShootEmulator MD5值:aa9c022b1de486eb82a06de4dc45d681相关...