Unlock Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification (Az 900) expertise for Developers, Administrators & Database Administrators. Enroll now for comprehensive training!
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals 要求成就代碼 概觀 本課程提供雲端概念的基礎層級知識、核心 Azure 服務,以及 Azure 管理和治理功能與工具。 對象設定檔 本課程適用於剛開始使用 Azure 的 IT 人員。 這些人員希望了解我們的產品,並獲得產品的實際操作體驗。 本課程主要使用 Azure 入口網站和命令列介面來建立服...
Master cloud fundamentals with Koenig Solutions' AZ-900 Azure course online. Enroll now for expert-led training and kickstart your Azure journey.
Understand the Microsoft technical training program Understand how to utilize the built-in accessibility features Understand using the objective domains when preparing to teach Understand the exam structure This module is part of these learning paths ...
This learning path offers you resources to prepare for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam. In the first few resources, find the most up-to-date materials from Microsoft Learn to prepare for the exam. When you access the Microsoft Learn content, we recommend that yo...
瞭解如何在課堂上教學 AZ-900 Microsoft Azure 基礎時運用技巧和訣竅。 請在課程教學階段使用實驗室環境 說明基礎課程術語和技術主題 探索額外的資源和材料,讓學生在Microsoft認證測驗上取得成功 開始 新增 新增至集合 新增至計劃 新增至挑戰 必要條件 瞭解Microsoft Learn for Educators 計畫的好處 ...
This learning path offers you resources to prepare for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam. In the first few resources, find the most up-to-date materials from Microsoft Learn to prepare for the exam. When you access the Microsoft Learn content, we recommend that you add your ...
Resources Training Support & Advisory Find a partner Partner Center Microsoft Learn self-guided study materials: AZ-900 Learning Path Last Modified 2024-01-23 This learning path offers you resources to prepare for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam. In the first few resources...
📈 考试报名:参加Microsoft Virtual Training Day,结课后七天内可获得五折优惠券。报名时验证学生身份,可享受七折优惠。 🏢 考试方式:可以选择线上或线下考试。线下考试需提前20分钟到达,出示身份证件和其他证件(如医保卡、驾照等),签字、拍照、存物品后进入机房。
MB:Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals(CRM)(ERP) PL:Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals(Power Platform) SC:Microsoft Security, Compliance,and Identity Fundamentals(安全性、合规性和标识 MB系列 数据库和AI系列 二基础认证类型 1、AZ-900 此认证可验证你是否掌握了有关云服务以及Azure如何提供这些服务的基础...