To make healthcare insurance and other medical related services more accessible irrespective of class, caste, age or gender, the Government of India has launched PMJAY in September 2018. The full form of PMJAY is Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna. Considered as one of the world’s lar...
As a superset of the language described in the Revised6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (R6RS), Chez Scheme supports all standard features of Scheme, including first-class procedures, proper treatment of tail calls, continuations, user-defined records, libraries, exceptions, and hygienic ...
Get the instant treatment of spine and our experts will provide an elegant treatment of spine and joints. Internal organs Get all the medical tests whether it is internal organs and outside organs, we provide instant results. Send reque
I studied about 8-12 hours a day, for several months. This is my story:Why I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview Please Note:You won't need to study as much as I did. I wasted a lot of time on things I didn't need to know. More info about that below. I'...
For a richer, more up-to-date (2017), but longer treatment System Design, Scalability, Data Handling You can expect system design questions if you have 4+ years of experience. Scalability and System Design are very large topics with many topics and resources, since there is a lot to cons...