To make healthcare insurance and other medical related services more accessible irrespective of class, caste, age or gender, the Government of India has launched PMJAY in September 2018. The full form of PMJAY is Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna. Considered as one of the world’s lar...
JavaScript (capital letters in "J" and "S" and no abbreviations) Node.js jQuery SQLFront-end development (adjective form with a dash) is when you working on the front end (noun form with no dash). The same goes with the back end, full stack, and many other compound terms....
UPSTREAM_REPO: Your github repository link, if your repo is private add https://username:{githubtoken}{username}/{reponame} format. Get token from Github settings. So you can update your bot from filled repository on each restart. Str. NOTE: Any change in docker or requiremen...
Alt + x Quit (in-game) Ctrl + c Force quit (from command line) Alt + Enter Switch between windowed mode and fullscreen Alt + s Save a screenshot 3.10.3) Joystick/gamepad support If you want to use a joystick or gamepad for navigation, the joystick support of the engine needs to be...