Our finding that close to 21% of Ayurvedic medicines manufactured and distributed by US and Indian companies via the Internet contain lead, mercury, or arsenic is consistent with our previous report that 20% of Indian-manufactured Ayurvedic medicines purchased in South Asian ethnic markets in Boston...
Ayurvedic Dilemmas 5 9misappropriation, activists in India point out that the country has limited resources for fi ghting such legal battles in patent offi ces around the world. In addition to the issue of injustice and misappropriation from “outside forces,” such as US companies or the scien...
KLINTOZ Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 9001:2008 certified company based in Delhi, India. KLINTOZ Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. has a modern WHO-GMP, certified manufacturing unit at Roorkee, Distt. Haridwar, Uttarakhand in India as per MHRA UK & TGA stand
Additional information Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Electronic supplementary material ESM 1 (DOCX 129 kb) ...