trends and cultural influences,offering designs that encapsulate the lasting elegance of the AYTM brand.Each piece is crafted to create enduring impressions and timeless beauty. Discover a universe where every detail transforms into a cherished moment, lasting in style and sophistication. ...
Looking to advance your consumer insights? aytm delivers a wide variety of powerful solutions for the complete research lifecycle—at any stage and on any scale.
Because we know your industry and we understand your needs. With aytm, you don’t have to restart from square one–there’s a good chance we’ve sat in your role previously. Oh, and we’re also aces on our platform. Banking and Finance ...
年轻的丹麦家具品牌AYTM,2015年8月才成立,他们的产品注重高品质和精致细节、与众不同的北欧设计使得他们的产品让人过目不忘。自2004年以来,Kathrine和Per Gran Hartvigsen夫妇成功经营了Gran Living ApS公司,现在他们集合了以设计师Anne Stensgaard为首的、一个激情四溢和才华横溢的团队创建了AYTM。AYTM专注奢华家居室内...
网络Ask Your Target Market; 统一思想; 到期收益率 网络释义
AYTM,这个成立于2015年8月的年轻品牌,背后却有着深厚的历史底蕴。Kathrine和Per Gran Hartvigsen夫妇自2004年起成功经营Gran Living ApS,如今他们携手打造了AYTM,并聚集了一支充满激情和才华的团队。AYTM专注于奢华家庭内装设计,其产品以高品质材料和精湛工艺著称。品牌的设计师们深知色彩在设计中的重要性,他们打破了传统...
📜【每天探索一个家居品牌】——AYTM· AYTM是一个年轻的家居品牌,成立于2015年。然而,它的背后是自2004年以来成功经营Gran Living ApS的Kathrine和Per Gran Hartvigsen夫妇,以及一个由设计师Anne Stensgaard带领的充满激情和才华的团队。· AYTM专注于奢华家庭内装,设计风格繁复而优雅,产品采用高品质材料,注重细节。
Transform your research with aytm. Our automated insights platform, innovative research tools, and custom services empower you to design, launch, and analyze simple and complex studies with ease. We’re here to help you tap into the needs of your consumers, make informed decisions, and stay on...
Looking to advance your consumer insights? aytm delivers a wide variety of powerful solutions for the complete research lifecycle—at any stage and on any scale.