My third time here and it just keeps getting better!!! The bartenders are great. Very unique salsas. Everything is fresh and yummy. The Wawa burrito is my favorite. And the Mexican martini (Spicy). Then the tres leches to cool your taste buds down. Delightful. ...
At Ay Por Dios Mexican Bistro Restaurant Enjoy authentic Mexican food with a modern twist. Located in the heart of Chapel Hill, NC...
Mexican | Latin Grilled & Bar. Brunch, Grilled Carne Asadas, Authentic Mexican food, Sea Food, Suchi, Pasta, Great drinks & More...
Low HPV vaccination rates among Latina young adults perpetuate HPV-associated cancer disparities. Using qualitative methods, this study explored individual, interper- sonal, and community factors that influence HPV vaccine delay and refusal among Mexican- and U.S.-born Mexi- can American young adult...
Julio Jaramillo - Ay! Mexicanita 专辑:Devuélveme el Corazón 歌手:Julio Jaramillo 抱歉,该歌词暂不支持自动滑动 Ay! Mexicanita - Julio Jaramillo Written by:Julio Jaramillo Cuando no tengo yo nada que hacer Me paro en una esquina mirando por doquier ...
Mexican/稻草人 340人关注 1981年,弗瑞达家族在墨西哥年正式创立品牌。稻草人使用天然材料为主,风格自由、质朴、大气、舒适与风雅共存,具有鲜明的个性色彩,反映自由不羁的生活和人文关怀的精神,体现了现代人回归自然、追求个性的思潮以及对田园生活的向往。其产品包括男装、箱包、运动户外产品等。 查看详情 同价位热...
Mexican/稻草人 340人关注 1981年,弗瑞达家族在墨西哥年正式创立品牌。稻草人使用天然材料为主,风格自由、质朴、大气、舒适与风雅共存,具有鲜明的个性色彩,反映自由不羁的生活和人文关怀的精神,体现了现代人回归自然、追求个性的思潮以及对田园生活的向往。其产品包括男装、箱包、运动户外产品等。 查看详情 同价位热...
Mexican flat steel prices remained stable in US dollars in the week ended on Aug. 23 amid mixed demand, while prices in Mexican pesos rose 2.4% due to exchange rate volatility. Platts assessed Mexican hot-rolled coil at Peso 14,500/ mt ($746.7/mt), based on a range of Peso 13,800-...