axum-server is a hyper server implementation designed to be used with axum framework. This project is maintained by community independently from axum. Features HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 HTTPS through rustls. High performance through hyper. Using tower make service API. Very good axum compatibility. Likely...
532 -- 7:51 App 【axum/sea-orm搭建webserver】4.代码结构 561 3 19:08 App 【axum/sea-orm搭建webserver】7.公共响应/错误处理 449 -- 16:43 App 【axum/sea-orm搭建webserver】8.handler/extractor 515 -- 13:35 App 【axum/sea-orm搭建webserver】6.Response 649 -- 19:41 App 【axum...
补充 想把更详细的和做视频时没有考虑到的知识点放到笔记中。 关于 State 的生命周期 14:53
("Starting server on http://localhost:{}", PORT); // run it with hyper on localhost:3000 let addr = SocketAddr::from((ADDR_IPV4, PORT)); axum::Server::bind(&addr) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); }Rust Analyzer says:no method unwrap on type <Server<AddrIncomi...
【axum/sea-orm搭建webserver】3.migration/entity【axum/sea-orm搭建webserver】3.migration/ent波波安朋友很少编辑于 2023年09月22日 16:00 嘿嘿,又忘记说了 sea-orm 使用 migration 时,会在你的数据库创建一张表,来使用对应版本的 migrate 代码进行一级一级的up /down,使用时还要关注一下当前版本...
{"Hello, World!"}));// run itletaddr=SocketAddr::from(([127,0,0,1],3000));axum::Server::bind(&addr).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();}asyncfnsse_handler(TypedHeader(user_agent):TypedHeader<headers::UserAgent>,)->Sse<impl Stream<Item=Result<Event,Infallible>>>{...
Server-functionality role extensibility modeldoi:US20060184654 A1US20060184654 * Feb 11, 2005 Aug 17, 2006 Microsoft Corporation Server-functionality role extensibility model
("listening on {}", addr); axum_server::bind(addr) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); } You can find more examples here. Minimum Supported Rust Version axum-server's MSRV is 1.63. Safety This crate uses #![forbid(unsafe_code)] to ensure everything is implemented ...
比较省事的地方是 axum 默认会把模板文件打包到二进制文件中,不需要像 golang gin 一样增加额外配置代码。 第一个 Rust 小工具 Rust Axum 小工具: 中文标点替换成对应的英文标点符号 网页地址: ...