Ok(RawForm(bytes)) => { let value = serde_urlencoded::from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|err| -> FormRejection { if is_get_or_head { FailedToDeserializeForm::from_err(err).into() } else { FailedToDeserializeFormBody::from_err(err).into() } })?; Ok(Form(value)) } Err(RawFormRej...
所以这段代码让我们可以灵活的处理 JSON 和Form 格式的请求 Body,作为一个方便的 extractor 在handler 中使用。 这避免了针对不同请求重复提取解析的代码。并且也统一了 handler 的签名。 在Axum 0.7 中,这略有修改。axum::body::Body 不再重新导出 hyper::body::Body,而是自己的类型 - 这意味着它不再是泛型...
use axum::body::Body; use axum::http::Request; use axum::response::IntoResponse; use axum::Json; use hyper::StatusCode; use serde_json::json; pub async fn modder(mut request: Request<Body>) -> impl IntoResponse { let body = request; // What to I need to do here, to obtain ...
TopicEditData:用于修改的文章数据 依赖 为了处理文章发表的时间,引入新的依赖: # Cargo.toml[dependencies]# ...chrono="0.4" 数据库操作 以下代码均位于src/db/topic.rs文件。 增加文章create() pubasyncfncreate(client: &Client, frm: &form::CreateTopic)->Result<TopicID> {lethtml=md2html(&frm.markd...
let Ok(data) = frame.into_data() else { return Ok(()); }; bytes.put(data); } Ok(()) } #[async_trait] impl<S> FromRequest<S> for Bytes where @@ -106,9 +137,7 @@ where } })?; let string = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes) .map_err(InvalidUtf8::from_err)? .to_owne...
multipart_form - How to parse multipart/form-data forms. static_file_server - Serving static files from a directory. Could for example be the baseline for a single page app. templates - Rending HTML templates using askama. testing - How to test axum apps. versioning - How one might ...
3. Are data-flow networks as general as what Axum offers useful, or would a more constrained form be sufficient?If generality is indeed valuable, are we missing any constructs that would make networks even more useful? 4. What aspects of the language aren’t we explaining properly? What did...
"data-url", "deno_core", "deno_tls", "dyn-clone", "http", "reqwest", "serde", "tokio", "tokio-stream", "tokio-util 0.7.1", ] [[package]] name = "deno_ffi" version = "0.38.0" source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" check...
Also, I think first-class tuples will be very important for this, as you tend to want to make quick ad-hoc groupings of data all the time when sending and receiving messages. The semantics and syntax of this needs to be simplified a lot to make it easier to use, it still seems tha...