the process of a nerve cell along which impulses travel away from the cell body. It branches at its termination, forming synapses at other nerve cells or effector organs. Many axons are covered by a myelin sheath formed from the cell membrane of a glial cell. adj.,adjax´onal. ...
Extensions of nerve cells responsible for sending signals to other cells. Damage to axons can lead to impaired communication between neurons. 12 Dendrites Neural structures that act as antennae, receiving inputs from other neurons. The more dendrites a neuron has, the more information it can proces...
Fill in the blank: The axons of the ___ cells from the optic nerve, which exits from the eyeball. Optic Nerve: Each eye has a nerve called an optic nerve that exits and transmits visual information to the occipital lobe of the brain. The optic nerve from...
Axons of olfactory receptor cells of transsexually grafted antennae induce development of sexually dimorphic glomeruli in Manduca sexta. J Neurobiol 1999; 38(4):521–541.Ro¨ssler W, Randolph PW, Tolbert LP, Hildebrand JG. 1999a. Axons of olfactory receptor cells of transsexually grafted ...
Small laser lesions placed in the posthatch chicken retina resulted in axotomy and then death of all ganglion cells located in a sector peripheral to the primary damage. With the use of silver techniques, the patterns of degenerating retinal fibers in the optic nerve, chiasm, and optic tract ...
The growth curve for the small cells in spinal ganglia differed entirely and is consistent with the assumption that nonmyelinated or very thinly myelinated fibers arise from these cells. Changes in the volume of cytoplasm in nerve cells were associated with changes in the nucleo-cytoplasmic ...
of myelinatedaxonsandSchwann cells, and improved pathological changes in gastrocnemius muscle. [...]allografts”的研究显示,FK506和骨髓间充质干细胞联合治疗则使后肢异体移植大鼠后肢感觉明 显恢复,坐骨神经功能指数明显增加,后肢肌肉质量增加,坐骨神经中髓鞘轴突和...
After a peripheral nerve lesion, distal ends of injured axons disintegrate into small fragments that are subsequently cleared by Schwann cells and later by macrophages. Axonal debris clearing is an early step of the repair process that facilitates regeneration. We show here that Schwann cells promote...
In the 2004 Bowman Lecture, I give a panegyric for Sir William Bowman, an estimate of the importance and the epidemiology of anterior visual pathway developmental disorders, followed by a history of the anterior visual system. I review the normal development of the optic nerve and chiasm and th...
Fbxw7 mutant Schwann cells appear to myelinate multiple axons We also found that loss of Fbxw7 dramatically increased the myelinating potential of SCs (Fig.2, Supplementary Figs.2and 3). In everyDhhcre(+);Fbxw7fl/+andDhhcre(+);Fbxw7fl/flnerve examined, even in adulthood, we observed...