App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPad, iPhone, iPod and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is...
中兴商城是中兴旗下自营电商平台,提供中兴、努比亚5G手机(Axon 50 Ultra、努比亚Z50Ultra、Z50、Z50S Pro、远航40Pro、5G时光机等)、中兴数据卡、小兴看看、中兴路由器、中兴耳机、中兴手表、中兴原厂配件、中兴智能家居等全场景智慧生活产品和服务
Power-Booster 进程功耗管理采用全新耗电模型框架(高耗电检测、冷冻技术),分场景5G/4G链路控制,系统底线防御服务,结合用户的使用习惯和App运行状态进行智能管控,续航能力提升10% 。中兴天机Axon 11 针对网络还推出了网络智能加速,通过Link-Booster可以让手机在Wi-Fi 和蜂窝网络(4G/5G)之间实现多路并发,并可进行...
Check for Hardware Issues Contact Razer Support RazerAxon.player.exe Application error in Windows 11/10 Here is how to fix the RazerAxon.player.exe Application error in Windows 11/10: Reboot Your PC Whenever encountering this glitch, rebooting the PC can help temporarily avoid the error message...
While we recommending calibrating the screen brightness to 200 cd/m2 (nits) when testing battery life, this setting cannot be enforced by the benchmark app. As a result, the range of battery life scores submitted by the public is much wider than that seen when testing under controlled ...
中兴商城APP全“兴”启航 预约中兴天机Axon 11更有惊喜 3月23日,中兴手机正式发布旗下首款5G视频手机中兴天机Axon 11。发布会后,中兴天机Axon 11同步开启线上预约。同期,全新的中兴商城APP也正式上线。ZTEmall中兴商城是中兴手机全新推出的自营电商平台,提供中兴手机、智能家居、智能穿戴、手机配件等各类产品的一站式...
集微网8月15日消息(文/数码控),此前中兴旗下的Axon 10 Pro就开启过Android Q版本内测活动招募,这回则是进一步扩大的用户招募的人群,由此可知中兴在Android Q方面的优化已经做的很不错,不然也不敢扩大测试的人群。 由于国内手机厂商都爱定制UI,所以中兴Axon 10 Pro的Android Q将以MiFavor 10 的形式呈现。 那么...
Theme customization allows you to easily change the appearance of the user interface (UI). For example, by changing the system colors or the app icons. Unknown. Help us by suggesting a value. Some apps track your activity even when the app is not in use. This privacy feature allows you ...
集微网7月11日消息(文/数码控),今天中兴MiFavorUI官方微博公布了一个好消息,那就是旗下的Axon 10 Pro正式开启Android Q内测活动招募。至于中兴Axon 10 Pro升级Android Q有什么好处?我们来了解一下它的特性就明白了:据悉,在最新的Android Q中,谷歌针对大屏设备进行了体验上的优化,同时改进了ART机制,谷歌...