On the Ready to install page, Offline mode and Upgrade firmware are turned on by default. You can turn them off if you don’t want to access offline mode or upgrade your devices to the latest firmware version. Click Install and wait while AXIS Companion Switch 4CH configures the device. ...
switch text 画布组件 canvas组件 CanvasRenderingContext2D对象 接口 通用规则 通用错误码 基本功能 应用上下文 日志打印 页面路由 定时器 文件数据 数据存储 文件存储 系统能力 设备信息 安全 加密算法 组件通用说明 组件通用事件 组件通用属性 组件通用样式 标准库 标准C库 FS ...
switch text 画布组件 canvas组件 CanvasRenderingContext2D对象 接口 通用规则 通用错误码 基本功能 应用上下文 日志打印 页面路由 定时器 文件数据 数据存储 文件存储 系统能力 设备信息 安全 加密算法 组件通用说明 组件通用事件 组件通用属性 组件通用样式 标准库 标准C库 FS ...
To resolve any issues with the PoE power negotiation, configure the PoE switch for hardware PoE power negotiation only. Global proxies Http proxy: Specify a global proxy host or IP address according to the allowed format. Https proxy: Specify a global proxy host or IP address according to the...
:ip= :\ :sm= :gw= where: ht = ether vm = rfc1048 ha = The Ethernet address of the AXIS 2400/2401 ip = The IP address of the AXIS 2400/2401 sm = The subnet mask gw = The default router address Example: videoser v:ht=ether :vm=rfc1048:\ :ha=00408c100086:ip=
Have a lot cameras and working without any issue. mgweston1 Level 1 In response toPSM Options 01-06-202508:55 AM Thank you for reaching out. Here is the configuration on all switch access ports on the 9300 Catalyst switch: switchport access vlan 2 ...
xmlns:api="" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soapenv:Body> <ns1:deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/" ...
使用安装和管理软件工具分配 IP 地址,设置密码和访问视频流. 安装和管理软件工具可在 axis.com/support 的支持页上获得 也可通过网页界面将参数重置为出厂默认设置. 转到Setup > System Options > Maintenance (设置 > 系统选项 > 维护),然后单击Default (默认). 102 AXIS Q7411 Video Encoder 更多信息 • 有...
In my case (802.1X/MAB on a Cisco 9300) I have not sent a Session-Timeout from ISE and the switch tells me: Status: AuthorizedDomain: DATAOper host mode: multi-domainOper control dir: bothSession timeout: N/A There is of course still an Accounting update, which I set ...
3.ConnectthecamerastotherecordersintegratedPoEswitchoranexternalPoEswitch. 4.Connectthecomputertothesamenetworkastherecorder. 5.Connectthepowercabletoyourrecorder,andwaitafewminutesfortherecorderandcamerastobootupbefore proceeding. CAUTION Keeptherecorderinawellventilatedenvironmentandwithplentyofemptyspacearoundthere...