アクションのリストから [I/O]で [Toggle I/O once (I/Oを一度切り替える)] を選択します。 ポートのリストから、[Relay 1 (リレー1)] を選択します。 継続時間 を00:00:07 に変更します。この場合、ドアのロックが7秒間解除されます。 [保存] をクリックします。 認証情報保持...
AXIS I8116-Edoesn’t just let you identify and control who enters your premises, it connects to your system just like any other surveillance camera and records what’s happening outside your door. This powerful intercom supports advanced analytics based on deep learning on the edge. With Axis...
AXIS I8116-E Network Video Intercom Network speakers AXIS C1310-E Mk II Network Horn Speaker AXIS C1610-VE Network Sound Projector Network video recorders AXIS Camera Station S1216 Rack Recording Server AXIS Camera Station S1216 Tower Recording Server ...
AXISA9210NetworkI/ORelayModule 开始 安全密码 重要 Axis设备在网络中以明文形式发送初始设置的密码。若要在首次登录后保护您的设备,请设 置安全加密的HTTPS连接,然后更改密码。 设备密码是对数据和服务的主要保护。Axis设备不会强加密码策略,因为它们可能会在不同类型 ...
AXIS Video Motion Detection Accessories Make the most out of your solution. Use the filter to find compatible products.Start by selecting your product variant (compatibility may rely on it). Select a product variant:Select a variantAXIS I8116-EAXIS I8116-E Black ...